The party building leads the "three strategies to benefit the people" Changqing District Zero -distance service shed reform and resettlement community.

Author:Changqing Rong Media Time:2022.08.01

In recent years, Changqing District has led the party building as an important starting point for community governance, focusing on improving the problems of villagers' recognition, satisfaction, and happiness. Promote the shed reform and resettlement community to improve the governance structure and improve service capabilities, and open up the "nerve ending" that leads the party building to lead social governance.

Establish a smart management "cloud platform". "I really can't think of it. Now it can be operated on the" terminal machine "of social security and electricity checking, which is too convenient." Aunt Liu, North Ru Community, Ping An Street, praised the community service. Jinan government service self -service terminal is a microcosm of the service system of the shed reform community in Changqing District. Each shed reform and resettlement community combines the reality of village conditions to focus on the key tasks such as services and contradictions and disputes. , Intelligent hardware, convenient life ", including the five major modules, build a comprehensive and integrated service system, including more than 140 service functions of 11 major categories such as commercial taxation, social security, household information, and living payment to provide villagers with professionalism Available, socialized, and precise services. Since the beginning of this year, through the "cloud platform", more than 5,000 villagers have been served, and more than 6,850 matters have been handled.

Construction of party building leads the "micro mesh". Changqing District builds a "micro -grid" system supported by the "Party Branch+Grid Party Group+Party Member Center", and has compiled party members, properties, residents, etc. into a grid to give full play to the party organization and the majority of party members. The role of the "backbone" in grassroots governance. Leverated by the Party Branch of the Community to establish a joint meeting system for "Red Discussion, Links Services", set up "four lists" of service resources, demand, projects, and responsibilities, make full use of the WeChat platform "WeChat" to set up "party members group owners" to expand Party members "fingertips service", villagers receive information and reflect problems throughout the time, participate in remote meetings, conduct online mediation, face the key difficulties of grass -roots governance, avoid making villagers running multiple times and repeatedly. High cost, time -consuming, and low efficiency problems, truly transform the "problem list" of village affairs management into a "happiness bill" satisfactory by the villagers. As of now, there are 37 WeChat groups in the shed reform community in Changqing District, covering more than 9,000 villagers, and nearly 3,000 problems such as environmental sanitation and neighborhood disputes.

Open the "wide road" to help warm heart. Changqing District pays attention to the role of the branch, promotes the party's work to the grassroots level, and provides villagers with various forms to benefit the people. Each shed reform community combines a "six available" service mechanism with fixed places, scientific management, service teams, demand for accounts, service time, and personalized arrangements. Heart service such as dining, free haircuts, convenience laundry, daily care. Aiming at different ages such as students such as outstanding students in the village, family members who joined the army, and kindergartens in the park children's family, they have carried out personalized warmth such as economic material rewards and student assistance subsidies. In order to enrich the amateur life of the residents, take the community party and mass service center as the position, and coordinate the creation of the entertainment room, book reading room, fitness activity room, etc. to facilitate the participation of the villagers to participate in the Huimin cultural platform, and enhance the villagers' spiritual and cultural life. As of now, the elderly have served the elderly. More than 1,200 people, spending more than 50,000 yuan in subsidies, and organizing more than 200 activities such as paintings and flower arrangements. While allowing villagers to enjoy a variety of benefit people's entertainment services, they successfully created the cultural positions of the people's "door".

Changqing District adheres to the leadership of party building in the relocation community governance, uses service to create a system, uses the system for strong management, and promotes development with management, so that grass -roots governance "difficulties" will change to benefit people's services "highlights", so that people's livelihood demands "urgent and difficult to expect" will change To accurately assist the "satisfactory answer sheet", promote the formation of a new pattern of relocating community governance with co -construction and co -governance, to achieve zero distance to serve the masses, and successfully produce the "first chess" of the grass -roots governance of the community.

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