Weihai attracts returnees to take root to create a "rich mine" of human resources with high -quality development

Author:Weihai Renshin Time:2022.08.01

3rd China and South Korea (Weihai)

High -standard supporting construction Shuangchuang Park

Create a "strong magnetic field" for talents

According to the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for the Entrepreneurship Park of Weihai City", we will vigorously promote the construction of an entrepreneurial park for overseas students. At present, the city has built three overseas students entrepreneurial parks including Weihai Overseas Scholars High -tech Innovation Park, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone Student Park, Weihai Nanhai New District Student Park. Among them, Weihai Overseas Scholars High -tech Innovation Park is The Ministry of Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of Construction and the Innovation Park was rated as an innovation and entrepreneurial demonstration park for provincial students.

Improving the talent for attracting talents

Accelerate the dream of entrepreneurship

Borrowing various types of talents in various types of talent projects every year, recommending overseas students to apply for Chinese students to start a support plan, high -level students who return to China to return to China, the high -level overseas talent pilot pilots, the science and technology activities of overseas students, and other national -level funding projects, as well as the launch of Shandong Province Lusu Entrepreneurship launch Support the plan, Shandong Provincial Student Students Return to China Entrepreneurship Award, and other provincial -level projects. At the same time, actively carry out the application of one -time entrepreneurial funding funds for overseas students in Weihai, encourage and support overseas students to come to our city for innovation and entrepreneurship, and improve the talents of Weihai to study abroad. The magnetic suction force. Since 2015, a total of 5 companies have been selected as national projects and obtained 1.03 million yuan in funding; 33 companies have been selected as provincial projects and obtained 3.65 million yuan in funding; 47 companies have received a total of 8 million yuan in municipal -level funding funds.

Talent policy is delivered to the door

Help key enterprise development

Focusing on the needs of enterprises and returning to the country to return to the country, they arrange special personnel to visit Weihai regularly to introduce enterprises with large and large number of overseas talents, understand the actual needs of the enterprise, and publicize the promotion of talent policies. Through various methods such as the "Talent Experience Day" activity and on -site visits, field investigations, and symposiums to understand the status and needs of the enterprise in terms of talent, the "one pass" of the company's policy, the list of talent policies, etc. And carefully explain policies such as talent introduction, service, and cultivation. The "Weihai British Card Card" is issued for outstanding students, and more than 30 green channel services are provided accurately to provide children with more than 30 green channel services, providing comprehensive guarantees for corporate talents, and fertile soils for innovation and entrepreneurship of talents.

Edit: Chen Qiong

Final trial: Li Ze

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