A self -description of a employment assistance cadre -to help the disabled students realize a wonderful life

Author:China Disabled Persons' Feder Time:2022.06.16

My name is Li Yanbo, and I am the director of the labor employment service of the disabled people in Zhencheng District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. In 2003, I came to work in the labor and employment service of the disabled, and it has been almost 20 years. Because of work, I have a close relationship with many disabled friends, and I also know that they will face more difficulties in life and work. Especially the disabled students, they have worked hard for ten years, and they have paid more effort than ordinary people. During employment, there are many difficulties.

How can we better help disabled students to achieve employment? To this end, we have established an information database of the disabled graduates, forming a regular return visit mechanism, and through the precise assistance of "one person, one policy" to help them find the ideal work. Only in this way can they discover their difficulties in time, find out their needs, and provide them with "one -on -one" employment assistance.

Wang Lu's employment difficulties were discovered during the return visit. She is a very good medical student who does not fall every year. But because of physical disability, her job search road was not flat. After understanding the specific situation, we formulated a "internship+employment" assistance plan based on the special nature of her professionalism. On the one hand, she recommended her to Shijiazhuang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for clinical internships; on the other hand, relying on excellent academic performance and internship experience to docking her employment units for her.

Disabled students are difficult to get employment, and it is even harder to start a business. Geng Jielong, who lives in Tushan Village, Laocheng District, is difficult to get in job hunting after graduation, so he chose to start a self -employed water machine. But after a while, the performance is not ideal.

In order to help him, we went deep into the community and the village for investigation and found that self -service water sales machines were more common in the community, but they were not popular in the countryside. Therefore, we found the administrative village in the area to negotiate and set up Huimin Water Station in the village. The establishment of Huimin Water Station not only helped Geng Jielong to open up the market, let the villagers drink at ease, but also created many water station operation and maintenance positions, solving the employment problem of local disabled. Now, Geng Jielong has carried out business in 42 villages in Tancheng District, installed 106 water dispensers, and absorbed 42 disabled people to employment.

To help the employment of disabled students, they also need to actively develop employment. We dock with employers to encourage them to set up employment positions of disabled people, and conduct precise training based on the characteristics and needs of the assistance objects. Through pre -job training, order -style training, side -by -side training, and teacher training, we will improve the employment ability of graduates of disability.

Last year, we also invested more than 200,000 yuan to build a psychological counseling room and employment ability evaluation room to penetrate the professional ability evaluation and psychological counseling services into training, employment, learning, job hunting, and post development. Essence

Source: "People's Daily" (Edition 14, June 16, 2022)

Edit: Bobenin

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