Our retired soldiers have the strength -the city's retired soldiers volunteers participated in the documentary of resistance work

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.08.02

On July 23, the new crown epidemic in our city was an oxlightening situation. The Municipal Retired Military Service Center heard the order and responded quickly, immediately mobilized the city's retired soldiers, insisted on counterpart support, community volunteer service "two hands", and comprehensively promoted retired soldiers to participate in the first -tier epidemic prevention and control, allowing retired soldiers to prevent the epidemic prevention prevention Control the front line to show the right, as a pioneer, condense the strong "epidemic" power.

Gather the "epidemic" of war, build a defense line

In the past few days, Cao County's epidemic prevention and control situation has been severe. The Cao County People's Armed Forces and County Retired Military Affairs Bureau responded quickly as soon as possible, and successively issued a proposal to the county's militia and retired soldiers to quickly participate in the epidemic prevention and control missions. The county's 26 towns and street armed departments and retired soldiers' service stations heard the order. They woven the net overnight and entered the same staff. Essence

Zhao Chuanli, a retired soldier in Qinghe Street, Cao County, was put into his hometown of resistance for two and a half months after he assisted Shanghai for two and a half months. Since July 26, he has led 20 retired soldiers and party members' assault team members to bring 8 large -scale anti -killing equipment to Louzhuang Town. Starting from the town station, in turn, the town government, police station, various villages and other places in turn Disinfection and disinfecting, strive to be horizontal to the end without leaving any dead ends, and dedicate your own strength to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Percerated deployment, quick response

As a key area for the prevention and control of the city's epidemic, Mudan District, the retired soldiers service center in the district quickly contacted the villagers and street retired soldiers service stations, first learned about the epidemic situation and support needs, and issued an initiative to mobilize the district's retired soldiers in the entire district Pay attention to the prevention and control situation of the community, and actively participate in the residential community epidemic prevention and control. Sinking 13 party members and cadres and employees, launched more than 1,200 retired soldiers, actively responded to the needs of the community prevention and control, devoted themselves to front -line prevention and control, took the lead in participating in community volunteer services, and actively assisted the community to carry out material distribution, order maintenance, and information entry. Come to call, follow the call.

At the same time, the Dingtao District Retired Military Affairs Bureau fully guarantees the health and safety of the people in the area under its jurisdiction. Carry out nucleic acid testing, and the daily nucleic acid sampling reaches more than 2,330.

"Shandong veteran" has not retreated in front of the epidemic, and is active in all points in the city to activate the volunteer service team members, fulfill the vow of "if there is a war, call back", and practice the responsibility of retired soldiers with practical actions. With the responsibility, the epidemic wall is used to prevent the wall with retrograde figures.

Ask the initiative, and then get the expedition

In order to actively respond to the current situation of the new crown epidemic, more than 30 volunteers from Dongming County Brigade of the "Shandong Veterans" volunteer service team took the initiative to ask for help and came to Heze City. Wang Chao, a member of the Party Group and Director of the Service Center of the Municipal Retired Military Affairs Bureau and the director of the service center, led it to the Heze Vocational College to carry out volunteer activities.

In the campus dormitory building of the Heze Vocational College, more than 30 retired veterans clearly divided the division of labor, cleaned up dormitory debris, organized bedding and books, and cleaned the building. After more than two hours of hard work, the retired veterans successfully completed the task, and the air dormitory was used to help concentrate the entrepreneurial point and use it as soon as possible to make positive contributions to the volunteer service activities of the "Hexin resistance".

Up to now, the city's retired soldiers' affairs system has launched more than 35,000 retired soldiers, rushing to the front line of the anti -epidemic, completed an area of ​​180,000 square meters, and the accumulated service time was more than 60,000 hours. Military power.

Heze Pay Industry All Media Reporter Sun Tao

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