How to apply and handle a subsistence allowance?Taiyuan 12345 Government Service Hotline answering questions and confusion

Author:Taiyuan Daily Time:2022.08.02

Who can be confirmed as a subsistence allowance? How to apply and handle a subsistence allowance? How to determine the rescue standard ... On August 1, the 12345 government service hotline in Taiyuan City answered questions for citizens to answer questions about the minimum insurance question.

Citizen consultation

Who can be confirmed as a subsistence allowance?

Hotline reply

Household registration status, family economic conditions (family income, family property) are the basic requirements for review and confirmation of the subsistence allowance objects. The per capita income of family members who live together in Shanxi Province, and the per capita income of family members who live together is lower than the local subsistence allowance standards, and if the status of the family property meets the requirements of the local people's government, it shall be recognized as a subsistence allowance in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

Citizen consultation

How to apply and handle a subsistence allowance?

Hotline reply

The subsistence allowance application confirmation is processed in accordance with the application, acceptance, family economic status investigation, and review confirmation process.

1. Application. The minimum living security is based on the family, and the family member who applies a family shall be determined by a family member as the applicant to apply to the township (town) people's government (street office) where the household registration is located; Application through the Internet. If you have difficulty in applying for a family member who lives together, you can entrust the village (resident) committee or other applications for application. Those who apply for the application shall go through the relevant commission procedures. The township (town) people's government (street office) shall review the submitted materials, and the materials should be replaced, and the materials shall be accepted. The relevant materials obtained will no longer be required to be submitted repeatedly.

2. Family economic situation survey. The civil affairs department of the county -level people's government and the township (town) people's government (street office) shall conduct economic surveys on the minimum living security application family. Applicants and family members must actively cooperate with relevant investigations.

3. A review and confirmation. The township people's governments (street offices) shall put forward the preliminary review opinions in accordance with the family economic status investigation and verification, and publicize it in the village and community where the family is located. 7 days of public display period. If there is no objection during the publicity period, the township people's governments (street offices) shall report the application materials, family economic status investigation and verification results, preliminary review opinions and other materials to the civil affairs department of the county -level people's government in a timely manner.

If there is any objection, the township people's government (street office) shall re -organize investigations or conduct democratic reviews on the economic conditions of the applicants. After the survey or democratic evaluation, the township people's governments (street offices) shall re -put forward the preliminary review opinions, and the relevant materials such as application materials and family economic status investigations and verification results are submitted to the civil affairs department of the county -level people's government.

The civil affairs department of the county -level people's government shall submit an audit confirmation opinion within 10 working days after receiving the application materials, family economic status investigation and verification results and preliminary review opinions reported by the township people's government (street office). For the minimum living security application for registering and filing or receiving complaints and reporting during the review and confirmation stage, the civil affairs department of the county -level people's government shall investigate. The subsistence allowance review and confirmation should be completed within 30 working days from the date of acceptance; under special circumstances, it can be extended to 45 working days.

Citizen consultation

How to determine the rescue standard?

Hotline reply

The minimum living security deposit can be calculated according to the actual difference between the per capita income of the applicant family and the local minimum living security standard. It can also be calculated based on the degree of difficulty in applying for the family difficulties and personnel.

Citizen consultation

How to issue subsistence allowance funds?

Hotline reply

The subsistence allowances are implemented in principle. Through the agency financial institutions such as banks, credit cooperatives, the minimum guarantee fund shall be issued monthly and pay directly to the account of the subsistence allowance family. Reporter Guo Xiaohua Correspondent Yan Junyu Taiyuan Evening News

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