China's ten years · China Story | Guizhou: Digital economy helps to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation in western mountainous areas of China

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.08.02

Remote mountainous areas and poverty backward, this is the label that Guizhou, western provinces in western China. Today, Guizhou has torn off the absolute poverty -stricken millennium label. As China's first big data comprehensive test area, the digital economy is taking root here.

At the "Baiye No. 1" planting base in Tun Shang Village, Pu'an County, Guizhou Province, the critical period of summer management and protection of the tea garden, the real -time rolling of the outdoor LED display shows data such as temperature, humidity, and soil monitoring.

Through dozens of network digital equipment installed in the base, the management and guardians can monitor the growth of tea in real time, providing data support for scientific accurate development of tea garden management and protection.

The tea industry is one of the agricultural industries in Guizhou. When this planting base was built in poverty alleviation in 2018, 6 million white tea seedlings were donated by 20 party members in Anji County, Zhejiang Province.

In 2012, 9.23 million poverty -stricken people in Guizhou Province had established files, which were the provinces with the most poor people in China. Since then, Guizhou has promoted poverty alleviation at a speed reduction of more than 1 million people each year. Industrial poverty alleviation, ecological poverty alleviation, east -west collaboration ... a series of poverty alleviation measures are promoted in Guizhou.

In November 2020, Guizhou Province announced that all poverty -stricken counties in the province were listed, and all the poor people were poverty alleviation. This means that the provinces with the largest poverty, the largest poverty, and the deepest poverty have been torn off the labels that have been torn out for thousands of years.

In Hongyan Village, Xiaozhaiba Town, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, agricultural technicians conducted drone plant protection operations at the grape base (taken on April 17, 2021). Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Wenbin

While bidding farewell to absolute poverty, Guizhou is moving towards the digital economy. Suitable climate, sufficient power, and stable geological structure have allowed Guizhou to deploy new digital infrastructure in advance with unique conditions.

Guizhou regards big data as a strategic choice for the curve and the back -ups. The combination of big data industry and agriculture has helped agriculture and rural development and farmers' income increase. With the help of digital technology, the production and quality of the white tea planting base of Tunshang Village "Baiye No. 1" planting base have been improved to better help villagers increase their income.

Relying on big data planting tea, management tea, tea making, and tea sales, big data technology accelerates "entering the village to enter the village" in Guizhou, bringing a new look to rural development, adding new immense to farmers, and to consolidate and expand poverty alleviation The results of the results of tackling the same rural rejuvenation provide help.

The new generation of digital communication technology represented by 5G is driving the sails of the digital economy in Guizhou's traditional industrial enterprises, playing an active role in stabilizing investment and stable growth.

No one follows the operation, more than 40 automatic guided transport vehicles to carry the materials in an orderly manner, and the trajectory of the cross -crossed trajectory draws a beautiful arc on the ground ... This is the full connection factory of Guizhou Tire Co., Ltd. 5G impression. This old -fashioned tire factory with a history of more than 60 years is becoming more and more energetic because of actively embracing digital technology.

Han Hongchuan, Minister of Information Technology, Guizhou Tire Co., Ltd. said that logistics equipment in the factory is the focus of technological transformation, which can ensure that the transfer between field components can reach a smooth state.

According to reports, a complete production line is supported by 5G dedicated network technology to realize the wireless industrial interconnection and workshop production scheduling of full -processes and scenes to achieve comprehensive interconnection control of people, machines, materials and other elements. While improving production efficiency, it has also reduced the operation and maintenance cost of nearly one -third.

The AGV unmanned car trolley works in Guizhou Tire Co., Ltd. "5G Full Connection Factory". Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongyou Photo

By grasping the "chain" of the digital industry and strengthening the industrial digital "empowerment", the big data ecosystem is formed in Guizhou, helping to promote new industrialization, new urbanization, agricultural modernization and tourism industrialization.

In the field of people's livelihood, Guizhou vigorously promoted digital medical care and solved villagers in remote mountainous areas.

At the center of the Central Health Center of Wantanhe Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province, Zhao Long, a general doctor in the "post -90s" general, met a patient with severe abdominal pain and accompanied by vomiting. Due to the severe symptoms of the patient, he immediately used the remote consultation system in the clinic to communicate with the doctor's condition with the doctor of Longli County People's Hospital in real time.

For less than two years of participating in his work, Zhao Long had relatively insufficient clinical experience. While listening to the analysis of the condition, he asked himself to ask his inaccurate diagnostic ideas, and across the screen, the doctor of the county people's hospital answered one by one. After treatment, the patient's situation improved, which made Zhao Long very pleased.

With the support of digital technology, Longli County has vigorously promoted the construction of the quality system of urban and rural medical care, and established provincial, state, county, township (towns), and village five -level medical linkage systems, so that the masses can see experts in the village, for the purpose The masses have saved time and reduced burdens.

Guizhou Province Longli County Zhong Railway International Ecological City Sun Valley 5G full perception of the pension visualization platform in the intelligent Kangyang community is running. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Subong

In recent years, the strategic choice of big data as a strategic choice for cultivating development momentum, eliminating development dilemma, and seeking competitive advantages is becoming an important fulcrum for Guizhou's new label and overtaking.

In the past 10 years, Guizhou's economic growth and digital economy growth rate has been at the forefront of the country many times. According to the plan, by 2025, the digital economy will account for about 50%of the GDP in Guizhou Province. Enterprises above the designated size of the three industries will basically realize the full coverage of big data deep integration.

Zhang Ke, deputy director of the Big Data Policies and Legal Innovation Research Center of the Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences, said that "digital countryside" is moving from theoretical to reality, gradually changing the traditional production and lifestyle of rural rural areas for thousands of years, helping to reduce urban and rural gaps, income gaps, governance governance, governance, governanceThe gap is to explore a new way for the western region.Source: Xinhuanet

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