Strictly prevent young cadres at the grassroots level involved in the Internet corruption

Author:Banyue talk about new media Time:2022.08.02

In recent years, many "post -80s" and "post -90s" have embarked on the posts of leading cadres, becoming the mainstay of the unit and even the "first leader". At the same time, the phenomenon of corruption "low aging" and "low vocationalization" followed. The half -monthly talks about reporters' interviews and sorting out cases reported by the Discipline Inspection Commission of various places found that many young cadres were involved in the Internet, and the phenomenon of "corruption" of "accompanied by the Internet" is worthy of attention.

There are many cases of corruption in young cadres "involved in the Internet"

The "post -85s" Zuo Moumou was a cadre in a province in southwest. One day when he watched the video on his mobile phone, he suddenly popped up a gambling website. He clicked on the link with curiosity. "At first, my bet was very small and I could win. After trying the sweetness, I kept adding bets, but I lost more and more." Zuo Moumou said.

As you get deeper and deeper, Zuo Moumou began to take risks. He misappropriated more than 34 million yuan for the 2019 New Rural Hehe Medical Fund for online gambling. Essence In 2019, 32 years old Zuo Mou was sentenced to 8 years in prison and was imprisoned.

Zuo Moumou is not a case. In recent years, there have been many cases of "Internet -related" corruption of young cadres.

Earlier this year, the TV's special film "Zero Ren Ren" disclosed the case of Zhang Yujie, a cadre of the "post -95" cadre of the real estate registration center in Luzhou, Anhui. Zhang Yujie invaded nearly 70 million yuan in public funds in three years, and his initial reason for his "no return road" was to add to online games, using public funds to recharge online and buy game equipment. Finding the feeling of self -confidence in the virtual world made him quite addictive.

Li Xiaofei, the cadre of the "post -90s" cadre of the Nangong City Water Affairs Bureau of Hebei Province, is also addicted to online gambling. In just 8 months, he misappropriated and corrupted public funds of more than 19.21 million yuan; "Zeng Xiaoyu used the convenience of his position. He successively transferred more than 10.18 million yuan in the company's account 13 times to his control account, and used more than 8.8 million yuan for online gambling ...

Some young cadres use the Internet as a means of corruption because of the Internet. It is understood that many young cadres of state -owned enterprises investigated and dealt with are familiar with the Internet, and the means of violations of discipline and laws are becoming more and more professional and concealed. Some even use technical means to steal the background documents of the computer office system.

The reporter sorted out the reporters and found that words such as online anchors, online gambling, and opening online casinos often appear in notifications of young cadres investigated and dealt with. "Many grass -roots cadres in the past can not play these new things at all." A disciplinary inspection cadre in a city in southwest said that the prominent characteristics of young cadres' violations of discipline and laws are involving the Internet, and almost all their corruption and misappropriated funds have been squandered and difficult to pursue stolen. big.

Reminder and regulatory reminders are missing

Young people are not deeply involved in the world, and they are not strong for the network induction of the Internet. They are easily pushed by big data "personalized" and "accurate" push. Once you are fooled, the future will be broken. At the same time, some disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres interviewed by the grass -roots level believe that the number of college students who are currently playing online games are not small. After passing the civil servant examination, some "Internet addiction" graduates walk from the school gate into the door of the authority. The road of illegal crimes.

Liu Yi, director of the Comprehensive Office of the Supervision Commissioner of the Guizhou University for Discipline Inspection, believes that individual young cadres are facing pressure from work and families, and they also face various temptations. It is easy to get out of trouble with disciplinary violations.

At the same time, the lack of regulatory mechanisms for individual departments is also the cause of the occurrence of young cadres in the occurrence of corruption in the Internet. Some departmental internal control mechanisms are not sound and the working procedures are not standardized; some units hand over the official seal to young cadres for custody. Similarly.

Take Zuo's case as an example. After the case was exposed to the collection of funds, it was "not paid". After receiving the medical insurance funds paid by the masses, "not entering the warehouse", and the rural and business authorities "did not supervise the funds" and other institutional loopholes. Essence At present, the local disciplinary inspection and supervision departments are cooperating with the local party committee and government to further promote the reform of the two -fee collection work system for urban and rural fees to improve the scientificity and supervision of work.

Improve the system, prevent and control youth and be "web" to live

The integrity and self -discipline of young cadres is related to the future of the party and the state. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the education management and supervision of young cadres, and to educate and guide young cadres to become loyal and reliable cadres of the party and the people.

This subject needs to be answered urgently. In recent years, there have been many disciplinary inspection and supervision departments issued documents to carry out relevant warning education activities to prevent young cadres from "rotting because of the Internet." However, the grassroots reflected that due to the strong network concealment and involving personal privacy, there are not many countermeasures and methods for corruption in "network -related" corruption in actual work.

After a "post -80s" cashier in a provincial capital of the western region fell into an online gambling, tens of millions of yuan was invaded. The person in charge of the company said that in order to understand the situation of young people playing online games, the company specially organized an online game competition to understand how high everyone's online game account level is, whether it is possible to add to the Internet.

Grass -roots disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres believe that in response to the exposed problems, young cadres should be supervised to participate in online gambling activities, requiring them to sign a network commitment letter, establish a "network -related" corruption case library, and increase the exposure of relevant cases. At the same time, strengthen education reminders, often talk to young cadres, and timely find that they are obsessed with abnormal state such as online games and online gambling, and enhance their "three non -corrupted" consciousness. Photo by Li Bo, the theme of integrity

More importantly, all departments and units at the grass -roots level should improve the risk points of the integrity of different positions, improve the regular rotation system of divisions, positioning, and hierarchical authorization systems, and improve the regular rotation system of finance and accounting. Education management and supervision of key personnel such as grass -roots key positions such as administrative approval and administrative law enforcement should be more stringent.

Source: "Half Moon Talk", No. 14, 2022

Reporter half -monthly: Zheng Minghong, Li Jingya | Editor: Xu Ning

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