The National Public Security System Heroes Model Establishing Gong collective deeds Report Meeting will be held in Xining

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.08.02

Qinghai News Network · Damei Qinghai Client News In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the national public security system hero model collective commendation conference, quickly set off a learning boom, play a typical leading role, and do our best to maintain national political security and social stability. 8 On the afternoon of the 1st, the National Public Security System Heroes Model Establishing Gong Group Qinghai Representative Report Meeting was held in Xining.

Ten reporters from the grass -roots line told Xin Jinqing, deputy detachment of the National Outstanding People's Police, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau, the Criminal Police Division of the Interpol Division of the Public Security Bureau of the Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, the model collector of the nation's public security organs, the special police detachment of the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau, the National Outstanding Public Security Grassroots Unit, the National Grassroots Unit, and the National Grassroots Units of the Public Security Public Security, Qinghai Provincial Public Security Department Forestry (National Park) Police Corps Qilian Mountain National Forest Public Security Bureau, National Outstanding Public Security Grassroots Unit, Haixi Mongolian Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Golmud City Public Security Bureau Interpol Division, National Outstanding People's Police, Xining Public Security Bureau Chengxi Branch Anti -Drug Police Brigade Captain Luo Linfa, the National Model Public Security Unit, the Golmud Public Security Department of the Qinghai -Tibet Railway Public Security Bureau Police Station Police Station, the National Public Security Organ Aimin Model Collective, Henan Public Security Bureau of the Republic of the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, the National Outstanding Public Security Grassfrovisal Unit, Haidong Mutu Tu, Haidong City The Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of the Autonomous County Public Security Bureau, Zhang Yudong, the leader of the National Outstanding People's Police, Zhang Yudong, the leader of the National Public Security Bureau of Tongzha County, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. With their ordinary language and sincere emotions, they conveyed the confidence and determination of the vast number of people and auxiliary police in our province to forge a new journey and build a new era. The audience was deeply moved and encouraged.

Source: Qinghai Daily Author: Ni Xiaoying

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