Live the just right life starts from the younger me | Zero waste day partner recruitment starts

Author:One fund Time:2022.08.02

August 20th

Zero abandonment day event in 2022

Waiting for you to participate!

In order to strengthen the public's understanding of the concept of zero waste, Shenzhen One Fund Public Welfare Foundation, Vanke Public Welfare Foundation and Zero Meng Public Welfare have jointly launched the national public advocacy activity of "Zero Waste Day" in 2018. Hold on Saturday.

有关数据显示,我国城市生活垃圾产出量以每年8%至9%的速度在增长,面对日益增多的垃圾,除了做好垃圾产生后的分类以外,我们也可以从源头进行减量,来Relieve the pressure of waste incineration and landfill treatment.

The family hopes that through the annual zero waste day, the concept of zero waste to the public -zero abandonment is a lifestyle. It is a concept, goal, and a method of waste management. It is a life choice built on the practical practice of "avoiding garbage as much as possible."

#, I started from a young age#is the theme of zero abandonment day in 2022. In the third year that cannot be traveling, more and more people take their attention from the distance, pay attention to the world around them, take care of a plant, make a good dish, treat people around you, how to live a good life has become many of their own lives, and they have become many of their own lives. The theme of human exploration.

In a world full of uncertainty, how to establish the inner order in the vortex of life, return to the most authentic needs of life, and find your own "just right" in different living conditions. "Zero waste" may be a good choice.

Perhaps when you see "zero waste" for the first time, it is easy to be scared by it, but in fact, as long as everyone makes a little effort to reduce the use of disposable plastic products, buy less bottles of water, make garbage classification Recycling, every little action I made can make us closer to the goal of "zero abandonment".

We hope to jointly integrate individuals, social organizations, and enterprises to carry out online and offline series of public welfare experience activities, guide the public to join the zero waste day, further advocate the concept of "zero abandonment", promote more people to participate in the action, and reduce garbage generation together. Let "zero waste" a normal life.

Zero waste day goals

Reduce garbage generation

It is the key to reducing the production, consumption and use of one -time supplies through institutional constraints, product redesign and changes in consumer behavior, which is the key to reduced source.

Popularization of garbage classification knowledge

The separation of wet and wet, harmful waste is treated separately, establishing a category collection, transportation, and treatment system, and matching the corresponding institutional guarantee, is an important step in promoting the process of garbage classification in my country.

All people's advocacy and behavior changes

Do a good job of propaganda of garbage reduction and classification, establish a public education system, and enhance the public's "zero abandonment" awareness and transform into action, in order to ensure the achievement of the above two goals.

What are the days of zero abandonment

X Zero waste day x zero waste camping festival

With the popularity of camping activities, how can we protect the natural environment while enjoying comfort and comfort? Participate in the live broadcast interaction of the Zero Waste Camping Festival, advocate and practice zero waste camping, and continue the beauty ~

活动 活动

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