Uniform 10 years · Dizhou Tour 丨 Hami City: New energy power generation machines accounted for more than 60 %

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.08.02


Xinjiang Energy Group Hami Cleaning Energy Co., Ltd. Yantun Scenery Complement Electric Scene. The total installed capacity of the electric field of the electric field is 300,000 kilowatts, which is one of the "Xinjiang Delivery" power stations. Photo by Guo Ziyi

Tianshan News (Reporter Wei Yonggui Zhang Ruilin reported) 100 meters high and the elevator was directly reached. At the top of the 6.25 MW wind power generator, it is like standing on the top of the 32 -story high -rise building.

In the "Baili Wind Area" in the 13th room of Hami City, there are 8 such huge wind turbines. It has been smoothly connected in early July, marking the opening of a large -capacity era in Xinjiang's land wind turbines.

The "Baili Wind Area" of the 13th room is one of the nine major wind areas of Xinjiang. In the region, 14 wind power projects started in the region, with a total installed capacity of 700,000 kilowatts, mainly 5 MW and 6.25 MW large wind turbines.

"As of the end of June, the newly added wind power installation machine of the 13 -room" Baili Wind Area "was expected to add 700 million kilowatt -hours of new energy generation. It will build the third one million kilowatt -class wind power cluster in Hami.

The "Baili Wind Area" of 13 rooms is a microcosm of the construction of new energy bases in Hami. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hami has implemented new development concepts, based on resource advantages and location advantages, and aims at building a national comprehensive energy base, and has built a tens of millions of kilowatt wind power bases and a million kilowatt -class photovoltaic base. As of the first half of this year, the total grid -connected power installation capacity of Hami City reached 23.042 million kilowatts, of which 11.797 million kilowatts of wind power, 2.583 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation, 50,000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation, and 62.6%of new energy installations.

"The proportion of 62.6%means that every time it is issued, 0.626 degrees is a green power." Zhang Jiming, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Hami Development and Reform Commission, said that Hami has unique wind and light resources. The reserves of the volume and wind energy resources are among the forefront of the country. In the past 10 years, Hami has continued to promote the construction of a landscape base, and has established a clean and low -carbon, safe and efficient energy system. The new energy industry has become a new business card for high -quality development of Hami.

In the past 10 years, the construction of new energy power stations in Hami City has continued to accelerate. In Shichengzi Photovoltaic Park in Hami High -tech Industrial Development Zone, Huadian Xinjiang Power Generation Co., Ltd. Shi Chengzi Shi Chengzi 220 kV Photovoltaic Collection Station technicians Yang Leyi introduced that the park has completed a total of 259 million yuan in infrastructure investment in 10 years, From one to a dozen, the current parallel loading capacity reached 820,000 kilowatts. In the first half of this year, the power grid was 390 million kilowatt -hour to the power grid.

"In the next step, we will further promote the construction of key new energy projects. It is expected that at the end of the fourteenth five -fifth", the new energy installation of Hami will reach 30 million kilowatts, becoming the largest new energy base in Xinjiang. "Zhang Jiming said.

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