Economic province Shandong: The development of toughness of the development of the epidemic prevention barrier appears

Author:Qingzhou Rong Media Time:2022.08.02

Realizing the regional GDP 4.17 trillion yuan, the growth rate of 3.6%ranks among the forefront of coastal provinces, and the increase in the country is at the forefront of the country. The key economic indicators are comprehensive and better than the national average. Eye transcript.

Faced with the repeated impact of the epidemic and the pressure of economic downturn, Shandong quickly realized the dynamics of social dynamics with the "based on the right, the gate movement, the multi -barrier, and the combination of both hands". In order to strengthen the "steady growth" of the starting point, the economy is steady.

Building a multi -epidemic prevention barrier, the shortest time dynamic cleansing zero

Shandong's industrial gate is complete, and the opening of the opening of Japan and South Korea, which is adjacent to Japan and South Korea, is an important node for circulation in China and abroad. The stable Shandong economy is impressive in the country's steady growth. However, the dense population and the deep integration of the industrial chain have also made the Shandong epidemic defense line "long -faced".

After the Spring Festival, those in 16 cities in Shandong Province all appeared in the new crown pneumonia or asymptomatic infection. The top three in the economic volume of Qingdao, Jinan, and Yantai all occurred in the economic volume. The impact of the epidemic has changed the international situation and has a prominent impact on Shandong.

Container freighter loading and unloading containers in Qingdao Gangwan Wharf, Shandong Port. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng

Following "the epidemic must prevent, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe", Shandong has increased its efforts to coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of the economic and social development, and strive to complete the tasks of economic and social development this year.

In terms of epidemic prevention and control, Shandong Dian, Noodles, and Source combine to ensure that the social dynamics are clear. According to the "5+1" work deployment of "5+1" in accordance with "point control, deepen on the surface, strict source, resource protection, responsibility to be implemented, work must be coordinated, Shandong continues to optimize the scientific and precise prevention and control mechanism, and strives to control control and control. Good overseas people, cold chain items, non -cold chain ordinary items, and "four sources" of people outside the province.

At the same time, strengthen various medical institutions at all levels, key groups incorporated into regular testing, and other social groups are willing to inspect and test the "three probes" from time to time. Based on measures such as inspections, we took the lead in taking the construction of imported cold chain food specialized positions, positive immune -related food early warning and other methods to move forward prevention and control, building multiple barriers.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Shandong Provincial Health and Health Commission, the epidemic situation in Shandong this year basically was effectively controlled during an incubation period; the single -day nucleic acid detection capacity was close to 8 million tubes at the end of May, of which public medical and health institutions accounted for more than 80 %, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both, taking into account both. Stable, reliable and effective cost -saving; medical supplies are reserved in accordance with the maximum use of at least 3 months.

"To achieve the dynamics of society in the shortest time, it provides a solid guarantee for the stability and recovery of the province's economic stability and accelerated recovery." Cui Jianhai, deputy secretary -general of the Shandong Provincial Government.

Policy "gift package" in time is put forward in time "difficult to help"

In order to ensure the smooth realization of the goal of steady growth, Shandong formulated a list and hanging chart battles based on policies, projects, and enterprises.

——The policy "gift package" is put into timely to release dividends, and "targeted therapy" helps to advance the economy. This year, Shandong Geelyda Energy Technology Co., Ltd. received nearly 20,000 yuan in taxes returned by the tax department. This is one of the relief policies adopted by Shandong's difficulty in market subjects caused by the impact of the epidemic. "Not much money, but warm heart," said Xu Guoquan, chairman of the company.

Shandong follows the changes in economic operations. This year, four batch of high -quality development policies for "steady progress" have been integrated to strengthen the regulation of the economy. The list contains more than 280 policies and measures to help enterprises' rescue, expand effective demand, deepen reform and opening up, and strengthen the protection of social livelihood. In terms of helping enterprises, it is expected that the annual national policy can be added to the national policy, and the new tax reduction and reduction of the market player can be increased by more than 150 billion yuan.

——Setailing plans for major projects to keep an eye on implementation to ensure that the development engine is stable. A few days ago, on the construction site of the Qingdao Road Station of Jinan Rail Transit Line 4, a labor competition with the theme of "a hundred days and welcoming the 20th National Congress" was launched. From July 1st to October 8th, the participating units of China Railway 14th Bureau and other participating units will compete around the aspects of progress, safety, quality, environmental protection, innovation, cost, team building, etc. The annual output value target is completed by quality.

Jinan Rail Transit Line 4 is the most important line in Shandong Province's key construction projects, Jinan Rail Transit Two -round plan, connecting Jinan Xike Station area, business district along the ten roads, Jinan Olympic Sports Center and other dense areas. 40.3 kilometers long, with a total of 33 stations. According to the relevant person in charge of the project, 33 stations have 32 stations to achieve construction construction, and 28 civil construction construction has been carried out.

"In January of this year, the provincial, municipal, and county -level key projects were launched. According to the project package, targeted measures were implemented, which was two months earlier than previous years." The relevant person in charge of the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission introduced that Shandong dynamically adjusted provincial key projects. , Adjusted and optimized a total of 1,5300 key projects in the treasury. Among them, 12,840 projects were implemented. As of the end of June, 12,455 were started, with an operating rate of 97%. The investment was 1.9 trillion yuan, accounting for 67.2%of the annual plan. The 768 projects planned to be completed in the first half of the year were launched as scheduled.

——The government -enterprise linkage service is "difficult to help", opening up obstruction to achieve industrial first recovery. According to the relevant person in charge of the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Shandong adheres to the constant production enterprise, the project site is constantly, and the material transportation is constantly. Essence During the epidemic, it helped enterprises to coordinate and solve nearly 5,000 cross -border supply problems and more than 4,800 supply problems in the province. It has effectively promoted the first to achieve stable recovery in the impact of the epidemic situation in the epidemic situation. When the situation in Shandong's epidemic prevention and control in March of this year was the most severe, the operating rate of industrial enterprises in the province still reached 92.7%, and all re -production and re -production was achieved at a faster speed. Economic operation is steady and facing good policies to focus on long -term

Under the impact of the epidemic, the economic toughness brought about by the completeness of the Shandong industrial system is even more prominent.

According to Cui Jianhai, in the case of generally affected by the epidemic, the good development of Shandong's economy in the first half of the year not only did not weaken, but was strengthened. The growth rate of industrial added value, investment in fixed assets, and total import and export growth rates are higher than the national average; the total retail sales of social consumer goods have basically resumed until the same period last year; The retail sales of smart devices increased by 184.4%and 84.9%, respectively.

In terms of quality, some indicators in Shandong are more optimized. The added value of the high -tech manufacturing industry increased by 15.5%in the first half of the year, an increase of 1.8 percentage points from the first quarter, and the value -added of the industrial added is 10.7 percentage points; The proportion of investment was 53.4%; the national technology -based SMEs had more than 20,000 small and medium -sized enterprises, an increase of nearly 14,000 compared with the first quarter. The comprehensive environmental air quality index improved by 7.3%year -on -year, and the PM2.5 concentration decreased by 9.1%on the basis of last year.

Based on the goals and long -term development of this year, Shandong has formulated three "Top Ten Innovation", "Top Ten Industry" and "Top Ten Demand Demand", three "2022 Action Plan", and strives to strengthen its advantages, make up for shortcomings, and increase vitality.

In terms of innovation, Shandong proposed that the provincial -level scientific and technological innovation and development funds increased by 10%, and the investment in research and development funding for the whole society increased by more than 10%; launched the provincial basic research for ten years, and around the fields of new generation of information technology, new energy, biomedicine, marine science and other fields , Organize and implement a number of major basic research projects; accelerate the establishment of a systematic and task -type innovation consortium led by leading enterprises, organize and implement about 100 major scientific and technological innovation projects in biomedicine, high -end equipment, new materials, hydrogen energy and other fields.

In terms of key industries, Shandong has formulated an action plan for new energy, new materials and other industries, and proposes 236 main tasks, and proposes task requirements for key areas and key links such as technological innovation, industrial clusters, leading enterprises, key projects, park construction, and brand building. ; Put up 54 promotion measures, and ensure that the goals of various tasks are effective through financial tax support, talent support, and factor guarantee.

In terms of expanding demand, Shandong focuses on 7 areas of comprehensive three -dimensional transportation, modern logistics, energy guarantee, urban and municipal public facilities, modern water networks, new infrastructure and rural infrastructure, and further promote the construction of intensive efficiency, economical applications, intelligent green, safe and reliable, safe and reliable The modern infrastructure system plans to complete the investment of more than 700 billion yuan. In the first half of this year, transportation, water conservancy, and energy completed their investment of 145.1 billion yuan, 27.1 billion yuan and 29.7 billion yuan, respectively.

Wang Dong, deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said that these action plans adhere to the combination of length and shortage, which not only focuses on various goals and tasks in 2022, but also provide strong support for the stable economic and social development in the first half of the year.

He said that Shandong will continue to focus on economic and social development points, breakpoints, and card points, improve work measures, and unblock economic cycle; keep an eye on key links, strengthen comprehensive policies to ensure that economic operations are more stable; effectively strengthen the "double move and dual quotes" , Transformation and upgrading, cultivate new growth points, and make the overall economic plate; unswervingly promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, and promote the high -quality development of green and low -carbon. (Reporter Yang Shouyong Chen Yan Jinan report)

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