Sudden!Another nuclear power plant leakage

Author:Peninsula Time:2022.08.02

Kansai Electric Power Corporation announced on August 1st local time. It has been in the nuclear reactor assistance building of Unit 3, which has been in a state of shutdown for more than 40 years since its first operation. Essence But Kansai Power said that it did not have an impact on the outside world.

Kansai Electric Power Corporation is investigating whether the leakage will affect the restart of the crew in August 10.

Meibin Nuclear Power Station (video screenshot)

A serious accident occurred in the Meibin Nuclear Power Station in Japan

Cause 5 people to die

It is reported that Unit 3 Meibin Nuclear Power Station started in December 1976. The crew of the cooling pipe rupture in 2004 caused five operators to die. In order to extend the period of operation, Kansai Electric Power Company applied to the Regulations for review in March 2015 and was reviewed in accordance with the new standards. In April of the same year, it had been scrapped for more than 40 years and the output power was small.

On June 23, 2021, through written opinions, the Japanese Fukui County Council decided to agree to the Kansai Electric Power Company Meibin Nuclear Power Station 3 and Kansai Electric Power Company Gauba Nuclear Power Station No. 1 and No. 2. These nuclear power plant units have been operated for more than 40 years. This is the first time in Japan to restart three nuclear power plant units that have restimated 3 running time for more than 40 years.

According to the "Nuclear Reactor and other regulations" revised after the Fukushima nuclear accident, the operation period of the nuclear power plant is based on the 40 years as the limit, but the approval of the regulatory committee can be extended up to 20 years.

◆ Source: Science and Technology Daily, CCTV News, Overseas Network

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