Interview with Zeng Haochen | not the child's father's business, but the love of generations of bone blood!

Author:Kunlun Time:2022.08.02

The family said that he was a lover of martial arts because of his grandfather when he was young. At that time, he had no conditions to complete his martial arts dream, and then after Zeng Haochen was born, his grandson chose to embark on the road of martial arts fighting.

The family said that at the age of six, the child participated in the first game of his life. At that time, his face was white, and the whole person's body was soft, which lost the first game in life ... At that time, the family members were all in the family. I have questioned whether the child's grandfather is too selfish.

But now, at the age of 12, he has won 18 wins and 14 wins, 4 KO opponents' good results ... It is the champion of Guizhou Qianwu Soul Anshun Station, and the champion of the first free fighting championship in Guizhou Province. The champion of the free fighting league is also the champion of the Kunlun Junior Youth Race! All these are the gains of teenagers and the growth of teenagers.

Height is 1.48 meters, with a wingspan of 1.50 meters, nicknamed "dictator". He appeared on the ring of the Kunlun June Youth League. The style of dare to fight and the flexible mind left a deep impression on the audience. He was the six -year -old. The hard work of the past six years has transformed the little teenager of the year into an extremely strong and brave appearance and no longer fear.

In fact, in that year, Zeng Haochen's father was a little bit, and he was sent to the boxing hall for training by his grandfather, but he found all the local places but failed to find it, so his father did not embark on this road.

After losing the first game, the family also thought about imposing the love of the elders to the child too selfish. Watching such a small child fight on the ring, there was an idea of ​​giving up in his heart. Later, after the coach's psychological guidance, and continued to exercise in major small and medium -sized events, the progress of the child stunned everyone.

Later, everyone seemed to discover that this was not just the dream of the children's grandfather. In it, I wanted to go all out to win every championship. , Burn up his own fighting dream.

Zeng Haochen, who is the boss at home, there are two younger brothers below. In the impression of the coach, almost every time he came to train, he came with two younger brothers. His thoughts were relatively mature, like an adult Similarly, very happy to help their fellow brothers and brothers, is a child who is very cared for and very warm.

When he first came to the boxing hall, he had long braids. At the same time, he was very fast and learned very fast. He had a strong imitation ability. Every time he learned a new technology, everyone may have to understand several times. And he seemed to be through at all, so he was outstanding from the beginning.

In order to support the children's practice fighting project, the family migrated from the rural hometown to the city, and settled near the boxing hall. The parents of the child often went out to work. Training classes have never stopped for several years.

Whenever the winter and summer vacation, children will live with the coach. Except for normal learning, the daily training time is not less than six hours. There is no vacation. Another year.

He will have a good future, because he has the support of his family and his own persistence, and he must be able to face the storm in his next life.

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