Henan Boai: The implementation of the "Five Star" branch of the "Three Hua" working methods

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.08.02

Elephant Journalist Geng Caixia Correspondent Liu Ruirui /Wen Tu

The "Five -Star" branch creation as the core measure of the Henan Provincial Party Committee's grasp of grass -roots party building work. Since May this year, Boai County has promoted project -based thinking, monocularization, and institutionalized guarantee. The spirit of nailing, one hammer one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one after the other, and the one after the other, helping the "five -star" branch to create the work.

Project -based thinking village to do "research"

Boai County adheres to the project of projects, creates the "Five Star" branch as the project, and makes a "research report" in advance to create a star goal.

▲ Party members of Jiangling Village, Boai County participated in the village community cadre competition

Based on the establishment of the county -level work leadership group of the county, in May this year, there are stars and stars around 215 villages (communities). Go deep into various villages, sort out the inventory of the village situation, organize party members and cadres and mass representatives to conduct a discussion and discussion, starting with hard indicators such as collective economic income of 200,000 yuan, 80%of the toilets of health households, and "30" creation. The stars, development advantages, and weak shortcomings of the village are found to be found. On this basis, scientifically set the goal of creating star, avoid the problem of "shooting the head and setting the stars with enthusiasm". ) The cadre jumped up the peaches and cheered.

At present, after the county's project and "research" discussions, the county has identified 22 "five -star" branches, 22 "four -star" branches, and 183 "Samsung" branches and 183 "Samsung" branches. Each village has achieved the goal of creating and creative, competing, and creating a strong atmosphere of the group and stars.

Singularization Promoting things

The creation of the "Five -Star" branch requires a real work support. In order to ensure the creation of a visible and touched work, Boai County organized various work classes, villages (communities) to list ten one by one, ten stars, industrial prosperous stars, and ecological civilization stars. The list of star tasks, seeing people, seeing things, seeing time nodes, from each quarter, monthly to weekly, every day, what to do at a glance. At the end of June, the county villages and villages of the county established a list of stars. Each star departments established a county's list of creation of the whole county, achieving a list of warfares and targeted. Qi Village, Xiaojing Town, listed 32 specific lists, and the "Five Star" branch created more powerful grasps, goals and directions.

▲ Qi Village, Xiaojing Town, Boai County lists 21 "branch lists"

The county's "Five Star" Branch's Office of the Leading Group will consolidate the lists of matters established by various villages and star units, and establishes three lists of "industrial development, people's livelihood practical and branch construction" in the county. Send three supervision groups to tour the townships (streets) and village (communities) in various villages and villages (communities) a day, and urge the star departments and village (agencies) to focus on the implementation and the results of each month. The work pattern of implementation, strip line and matters shall be submitted in order. Relying on the list of stars and accounts, Boai County is lining up the village, township, county -level departments, and county committees and county government levels. What to do, who to dominate the implementation, which policies need to be introduced, and which project funds are supported at a glance.

At present, the county and rural levels have been classified to establish a large ledger that needs to be resolved. As of the end of July, more than 1,580 problems such as resolving industrial development, people's livelihood, and branch construction have been handled.

Institutional protection and guarantee layer grasp implementation

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the creation of the "Five Stars" branch and promote the creation of experience, characteristics, and effectiveness, Boai County innovated a series of pragmatic work mechanisms on the basis of implementing the prescribed actions.

▲ Xu Liang Town, Boai County creates a "five -star" branch to create a promotional corridor

At the county -level level, the "two -week -sharing meeting" system is innovative. The county party secretary regularly listens to the promotion of various special classes, and the main responsibility of various townships (streets) of various townships (streets) will be performed on the spot. At the township level, establish a working mechanism for observation and tour of the village to observe and tour the star. Each quarter of the villages (agencies) organized by the townships (streets) every quarter to conduct a special observation of the "five -star" branch. Create collaboration. At the village level, the establishment of a "one -collar and double -binding" mechanism for the establishment of a party branch to lead cooperatives, farmers binding cooperatives, and cooperatives to bind leading enterprises, so that industrial development ideas have always been efficiently advanced under the leadership of the party branch. At the same time, the county has also introduced and established a 13710 working mechanism and mass evaluation mechanism to implement the dynamic period for each star, each village, each matter, and each list. Created a strong joint force. Jiangling Village, Zhaowang Township has established a "one -collar double tie" industrial development mechanism, listing 23 listings of people's livelihood, and using real work to make ordinary people truly benefit.

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