The Volunteer Service Team of the Family of the Family of the Family of the Family of the Dazhou District

Author:Huaihua People's Broadcasting Time:2022.08.02

Today is the 95th anniversary of the founding army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Early in the morning in the door of the new era civilization practice station in Zhonggongmiao Street, Wuzhou District, Ningbo City, a group of residents received free free clinics from professional doctors, and the volunteer volunteer volunteers of the veterans were the veterans. Persons distributed leaflets on the side. According to them, they were volunteer service activities for the volunteer service team of the retired soldiers in the Dazhou District.

In order to further promote the construction of the volunteer service system of retired soldiers, vigorously promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, comprehensively promote the volunteer service cause of retired soldiers, and give full play to the positive role of the volunteer service team of retired soldiers in social development. From August to November, conducting tourism and policy consulting activities on the streets of Puzhou Township, providing free health consultation, inspection and treatment, and providing relevant policies and legal consultations with retired soldiers. Welcome everyone to participate.

In order to show the good image of the resignation soldiers' volunteer service team to serve the people and society, so that retired soldiers can better play a positive role in social development, and enhance the sense of honor and pride of retired soldiers. On March 5, 2021, the retired soldiers in Luzhou District The Affairs Bureau established a volunteer service team of retired soldiers.

The volunteer service team has expanded and improved on the basis of the existing retired soldiers' volunteer service team in the jurisdiction. The main body of retired soldiers is composed of volunteers such as social service institutions and grassroots social workers. The volunteer service operation mode of mutual assistance, community participation, and aid of caring people has served retired soldiers in the jurisdiction, creating a new pattern of service governance governance of local co -construction, co -governance, and sharing retired soldiers. As of now, a total of 217 retired soldiers volunteer service teams have joined a family volunteer service team with a total of 1051 retired soldiers. They have a total of 1051 retired soldiers. , Psychological counseling, contradiction mediation, law publicity and legal aid, many other public service fields in public service areas.

The Volunteer Volunteer Service Team of the Puzhou Retired Military Family- The "Medical · Health Clinic Team" is composed of professional physicians, love medical companies and physicians with retired soldiers with medical professional background, retired soldiers' employment and entrepreneurial alliance members, love medical companies, and physicians. The service purpose of the service of Yi Medical and the World "will carry out free health consultation, inspection, and treatment activities for the society, and send a physiological security and peace of mind to the masses, and enhance the influence and appeal of the volunteer service team of retired soldiers. Promote more love and people to join the volunteer service team of retired soldiers, and give full play to the positive role of the volunteer service team of retired soldiers in social development.

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