Chibi launched the "August 1st" Army's Western Student Inspirational Education Activities

Author:Chibi City Rong Media Center Time:2022.08.02

On August 1st, the 95th Army Festival, Chihimang Street, Chima Gang Street, Chiyli Community Organization in Chimi City, to carry out education activities for children and children to cultivate the sincere feelings of children and children.

The event invited the "Bing" teacher to give relevant knowledge lectures, so that children can understand the glorious journey of the people's army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The children listened carefully and spoke enthusiastically. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely active. Under the guidance of the "Bing" teacher, the children learned to use the pen in their hands to depict the glorious image of the PLA uncle.

"Fingertips to the temple ... We salute the uncle of the PLA." Teacher "Bing" teach everyone to military gifts, and the children feel vivid and interesting. A child chorus "We Are Communist successors" pushed the event to a climax. The event also conducted a prize Q & A for the "August 1st" Army Festival.

"In the August 1st Army Festival, we organized children and children to participate in the purpose of continuous red genes, to plant the family conditions, allowing children to stay away from lyric products and have better learning and living habits. A vivid practice of carrying out practical activities, "said the person in charge of the Yingli community.

Source: Chibi Rong Media Center (correspondent Li Ying Cao Dawei)

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