Panhelin: The construction of digital government must attract market players to participate

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.08.02

Zhongxin Jingwei, August 2: Digital government construction should attract market players to participate

Author Panhe Lin Zhejiang University International United Business School Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center joint director and researcher

With the rapid development of information technology, the digital government has become the general trend. A few days ago, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Digital Government" and made deployment on "Actively follow the trend of digital transformation of economic and socialization and fully release digital development dividends" and "comprehensively create a new situation in the construction of digital government". The construction of digital government construction to a new height marks that the era of large -scale promotion of digital government construction in the country has arrived.

The momentum and connotation of the digital government construction is that first, to improve the government's governance capabilities with digital technology. Through digital government affairs, find a breakthrough in social management. For example, the health code is used during the epidemic. Digital technology is an effective improvement in government governance capabilities, and it is also an important way for government to solve social governance and solve social governance difficulties.

Second, build a service -oriented government with digital technology. From the centralized government to centered on citizens, the administrative function government shifts to a service -oriented government, and builds a convenient, efficient, honest, and fair government image to optimize the business environment and improve the living environment of the people. Digital technology allows the government to have better service capabilities by improving government operational efficiency.

Third, we can use digital technology to integrate resources and open up the government's internal system and data. The government should serve the public with the overall image, and the government should carry out resource integration. In the past, many administrative management services were split. The data between the data between various departments and the IT system were not unobstructed. The people needed to go back and forth in different departments to handle administrative affairs. On the one hand, on the one hand, the government can achieve information sharing and efficient work synergy within the government; on the other hand, the government can also concentrate data to form data value. value.

Fourth, the government's digitalization drives the development of the digital economy. Government digitalization has two levels of support for the development of the digital industry: one is the leading role of government digitalization. Take the lead in opening data, release data value; take the lead in realizing digital transformation, and lead the technology transformation of enterprises. The second is that the government uses digital development and cooperation between market entities, and uses PPP (government and social capital cooperation) and BOT (construction -operation -transfer) construction model to encourage and develop a number of digital technology enterprises by government procurement. At the same time, at the same time Increase the demand for the digital industry, activate the digital industry, and bring economic benefits to digital companies.

In the process of building a digital government and realizing modern governance, the government should mainly play two aspects. The first is to provide a soft environment for the digital government. The government should establish an institutional framework to promote the internal interconnection of the government, to clear the institutional mechanism of the digital government construction, and further improve it at the level of laws and regulations. Second, the government, as an executor of the digital government, needs to master dominance, cultivate digital management capabilities, improve the ability of digital government to optimize, and build digital security and network security emergency early warning capabilities.

The current digital government construction also faces many obstacles and difficulties. First of all, information islands and information barriers are the biggest bottlenecks in the construction of the digital government. There are many reasons for the generation of information barriers, such as information and system integration obstacles between various departments of the same level of government. Or there are information integration difficulties between the central and local governments. Local governments at all levels have information platforms in their own regions, but some subordinate departments are exclusive vertical management systems in the central government. The integration of information and IT systems is independent.

Secondly, the institutional mechanism of the digital government construction needs to be dredged. The digital government construction mechanism in some areas is not sound, the phenomenon of unclear responsibilities and cross -management is more common.

Third, there are bottlenecks in government -enterprise cooperation. The construction of the digital government must inevitably require the cooperation between the government and the enterprise, but the rights and interests of enterprises and the government in the process of cooperation, and which obligations need to bear, are not yet clear.

Of course, the digital transformation of urban governance cannot rely on the government to fight alone, but also to stimulate the joint force of the whole society. In the process, we should give full play to the market forces. The market can provide technical support for the construction of the digital government, and it can also provide rich resources during the operation of the digital government. At the same time, the construction of digital government should prevent repeated and over -construction, and through market competition mechanisms, such as bidding and mutual competition between enterprises, it can promote the optimization of resources, reduce construction costs, and improve the effectiveness of construction.

It is worth mentioning that the foothold of the digital reform is the public, and the construction of a digital government must strengthen public participation. The key to public participation is to establish a communication platform between the government and the public. The public's unreasonable design of the digital government can be fed back to the government level in time. In response to the public reaction of the digital government construction, the government should respond to timely, check the leakage, and establish a long -term mechanism to prevent these problems from re -occurring.

The domestic digital government is currently accelerating the landing. For first -tier cities, the digital government has been deeply integrated with smart cities. Urban management has shifted from digitalization to more advanced digital intelligence. Citizens' convenience in transportation, security, and community services has been greatly improved, and urban governance capabilities have reached a new height.

Except for first -tier cities, developed provinces in the eastern coast have basically opened up the government's internal systems and data. Most provinces have realized the online handling of most businesses.Improvement.For small cities and villages, government management capabilities have also been effectively improved with the help of the digital government.However, some regions have been opened in the IT system, the data concentration has not yet been improved, and the digital government construction investment has insufficient investment.It is expected that in the future, with the further implementation of policies, this status quo will be significantly changed.(Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

This article was selected by the Sino -Singapore Jingwei Research Institute. The copy of the work produced by the selected work, the copyright of the work, is not authorized by any unit or individual.The views involved in the selected content only represent the original author and do not represent the view of the Sino -Singapore Jingwei.

Editor -in -chief: Sun Qingyang intern Zhou Sijing

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