Chinese Agricultural Service Story | Li Jianguo: Unmanned driving agricultural machinery, let my 200 acres of cotton field net profit of 400,000!

Author:Village revitalization TV Time:2022.08.02

In the northwest corner of the motherland, it is more than 1.66 million square kilometers.

Cotton in the world looks at China, and China cotton looks at Xinjiang. Xinjiang is the main producing area of ​​cotton in the country, and its production capacity accounts for about 90 % of the country. The planting area is more than 37 million acres, of which more than 13 million acres are in the Corps. At present, the mechanized harvesting of cotton in the corps has reached 94.2%.

The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps is a stabilizer of Antian Gujiang. The Corps successfully planted cotton in northern Xinjiang and obtained high yields.

As the original location of the Corps Headquarters, Shihezi is a typical representative of the development of the Corps.

It is understood that local cotton flows from plowing, sowing, to irrigation, insect extinguishing, to the top and harvest, all of which have been mechanized and automated. Let the cotton farmers who plant 200 acres of cotton fields earn 400,000, how can it be done?

Li Jianguo, one of many ordinary cotton farmers in Shihezi, Xinjiang. Lao Li has planted cotton for decades. Although the technology has developed, farmers do not have to suffer from the hard work of "facing the back of the loess", but in the face of the mechanized cotton mining of "learning to walk", people are still tired. Affected by the weather, the experience of operating machines is also high. Especially when sowing and membranes, you need to manually control the steering wheel. When you encounter strong winds and sand, your eyes must be staring ahead.

Lao Li said, "(Eyes) are all painful, and they can't go straight. When it is windy, there is soil, I can't see anything, and I have to stop the car."

Now, the emergence of the agricultural machine -autonomous driving system has made the eyes of cotton farmers such as Lao Li no longer have to stare at it.

Lao Li described this: "As soon as the navigation (agricultural machine autonomous driving system) is opened, after straight, no longer need to control the steering wheel, people can come down and follow the car, and the tractor itself goes straight."

While he scratched with his hands, he said happily: "Regardless of your wind and wind, at night, the navigation photos are not wrong."

In the past, it was also a difficult problem for taking medicine. Time and high demand. When the weather is in good weather, when the weather is good, almost all the land of Shihezi does not stop operations for 24 hours. Whether it is mechanical or human, the ground is difficult.

Now, as soon as the navigation plays, you can run by setting up at night and mention the medicine. The happiness on Lao Li's face could not be hidden: "The navigation and medication are too beautiful, and the seedlings are not pressed at all, which is great!"

Li Jianguo's joy was brought to him by Bo Chuang's powerful intelligent product and meticulous service.

"You have to rush to you if you do n’t eat, do your navigation well, and the service attitude is great!"

The affirmation of cotton farmers is the highest evaluation.

Once, several generations of military regiments stationed in Xinjiang have achieved unremitting struggle to realize the miracles of the Shihezi Desert Change Oasis and Gobi.

Nowadays, intelligent agricultural machinery is already "standard", and more agricultural uniform organizations such as "Bo Chuang Lien" are helping farmers such as "Li Jianguo" in a more efficient and scientific way to continue fighting for the happy life in the oasis. Write a new legend of the common prosperity of farmers.

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