Running to the "Future Voice World", Jiangsu artificial intelligence has reached the "new level"

Author:Intersection Time:2022.08.02

Attachment News Recently, a new national innovation platform in Jiangsu's artificial intelligence is added- "Language Computing the National New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platform". With the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the platform construction unit and Sib Chi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sibi"), which is located in Suzhou, will actively play the "head geese effect", focus on breaking the key technologies of cross -media language computing, in -depth funding Can the digital economy lead the industry to go all out to the "future voice world".

Xinhua Daily · Jiaojiao reporter learned that since August 2019, the Ministry of Science and Technology has supported the construction of the "National New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platform" in the field of artificial intelligence. 15 companies including Yitu Technology have deep cultivation in the areas of urban brain, medical imaging, autonomous driving, basic software and hardware, visual computing.

Today, it is Jiangsu's turn. Sibi will build a platform for collaborative innovation in the "language computing" field to help Jiangsu's artificial intelligence development station "new level".

Digital car offers, community digital grid staff, intelligent voice elevator "Little Black Box" ... As the leading domestic dialogue artificial intelligence technology platform company, Siba's independent innovative intelligent voice interaction technology is widely penetrating into all walks of life , And constantly "advanced", giving Lengbing's machine "IQ" and "EQ".

"In solving the problem of pain points in the field of people's livelihood, artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role." Yu Kai, co -founder and chief scientist of Sibichi, introduced that such as intelligent voice interaction equipment that can understand dialects and soil, is An important "interface" of the "digital gap" can provide more accurate and more convenient services for rural areas or middle -aged and elderly users.

Taking cooperation with Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank as an example, Sibchi integrated the microphone array and acoustic structure design in the intelligent dialogue cabinet for the high frequency of dialect dialects, and builds a field -like intelligent hearing module. Identification has a two -way interaction ability. The Sichuan -Chongqing dialect recognition rate in the financial field has reached more than 97%, achieving the "digital bank" of customers in the region. "Interactive smart cabinets can make digital bank outlets into a life body that understands, think, and communicate, so that customers can enjoy the convenience brought by digital finance." Said Dong Xin, the product director of the R & D department of Sibichi.

In the intelligent car voice solution, Sibichi specially designed the children's mode. You can identify the identity of the child through sound pattern recognition technology, and respond to different content, such as playing Chinese, nursery rhymes, poetry, stories, etc. Simulate a live -action sound through sound repetition technology to accompany loved ones.

The report of the "Future Voice World China Intelligent Voice Market Analysis" report released by Deloitte in December 2021 shows that benefiting from mature technology, government and capital support, and intelligent market demand, the size of China's intelligent voice market will further grow. It will reach 145.2 billion yuan. The report further pointed out that the key development areas of China's intelligent voice market will be vehicle voice, financial voice, operator voice, smart education, smart medical care, etc. When looking forward to the future scene of intelligent voice, the report predicts that "interactive army", "technical output", "information synchronization" and "search innovation" will be the four possible situation of future voice.

The market prospects are so broad. As a "new generation of artificial intelligence open innovation platforms" in the field of "language computing", it is necessary to do so as not allowing the development opportunity.

Going to the "Future Voice World", Jiangsu has the first advantage. The platform construction unit Sibich has a full -link independent intellectual property language computing technology, developed DUI platform and AI voice chip, which breaks through the intelligent voice language machinery, low preservation, large residual noise, etc. There are more than 900 intellectual property rights. At present, the business has covered the intelligent field of the Internet of Things, and the intelligent fields such as smart home appliances, smart cars, and consumer electronics, as well as digital government and enterprise scenarios such as financial services, transportation and logistics, real estate hotels, government affairs, people's livelihood, medical and health.

At the same time, more than 50 colleges and universities in the province have been involved in artificial intelligence research, especially the cutting -edge theoretical research such as machine learning, model recognition, and data mining has reached the international leading level, providing reliable technical guarantee and talent reserves for industry development. In addition, Jiangsu's software, electronics, and intelligent manufacturing industries are leading the country. They have a group of strong software and hardware companies and integrated application for smart manufacturing, which also consolidates the foundation of industrial development.

"For Sibi, Suzhou GDP is the leading city in the country. It is second only to first -tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and has a better market atmosphere. It is helpful for the development of the local artificial intelligence industry. "Yu Kai said that Sibi will keep up with the opportunity to build a" new generation of artificial intelligence open innovation platforms ", with new needs of AI applications, further application of big data, depth in depth, depth Learning, migration learning, cognitive calculation and other technologies make the voice system more active, and promote the transformation from "passive" to "active", from "perception" to "cognitive"; at the same time, promote voice, vision, text, etc. The development of multiple modal interaction, enhance information processing performance and human -computer interaction.

At the same time, platform construction will adhere to open sharing, open up barriers to application, promote the large integration of technology and applications, accelerate the implementation of AI terminal products in different types of enterprises, and solve the "last mile" problem of AI landing."We will adhere to independent innovation, and gradually form a complete full -link artificial intelligence voice language industry ecosystem through exchanges and cooperation between universities, institutions, and enterprises; strengthen cooperation with integrated applicants with smart software and hardware companies and smart manufacturing integration applicants.The intelligent needs of the service industry, expanding intelligent services for more cross -industry comprehensive scenes. "Yu Kai said," Sibi will actively play the "head geese effect", integrate internal and external resources, and explore the new development of intelligent interaction with partners to explore new development new development of intelligent interaction development.Path, create a new 'sound' state of AI voice. "Xinhua Daily · Jiaojiao Reporter Cai Yanwen intern Feng Yuwen

The picture is provided by the respondent

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