Build a Beautiful Goose Tower | Colorful Activities Celebrate "Bayi"

Author:Yanta Rong Media Time:2022.08.02

Recently, Electronic City Street in Yanta District has actively organized various activities to celebrate the "August 1st".

In the "Big Hands and Small Hands" activity carried out by the community in 205, the community invited retired soldiers and old party members Miao Tianyi to enter the "Love Classroom" to bring children a vivid patriotic practice education. "When I was young, I wanted to contribute to the country. I was enlisted in the army. The barracks were universities. I taught me to be strong and self -reliant ..." Mr. Miao, who is over 70 years old, uses a simple language to report his own aspirations to the country when he was young. Come.

In the theme activities carried out by the Ziwei community, students from the High -tech Zone Experimental Primary School, High -tech Fifth Primary School, Qinghua Elementary School, and Jintai Holiday Flower City Elementary School wearing red scarves for retired soldiers of the community at the event site, and gave bouquets, in order Express your gratitude and admiration for retired soldiers. Representatives from the young pioneers from Greenland City Primary School, High -tech Experimental Primary School, and High -tech Fifth Elementary School for the young pioneers for retired soldiers.

The electronic all road community held a wonderful performance of the literary and artistic performances in the Plaza of Xi'an Weiguang Power Factory Community. The fan dance "My Motherland" of the community dance team expresses its deep affection for the motherland. In the show, the dance "Ten Red Army" not only had beautiful dances, but also interacted with the audience to interpret the reluctance when the people and soldiers farewell. The on -site program is novel and diverse.

"This show presented a audiovisual banquet for retired soldiers, and also showed a good spiritual style of retired soldiers who did not fade." Repeated soldiers work to a new level.

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