Dalian targeted recruitment of thousands of fresh graduates!

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.08.02

Where to think of community work when graduating from college?

How much can Dalian community workers pay each month?

What skills do I need to master in the community?


Recently, "I love Dalian, choose Dalian" in 2022 "Community Workers Qiangang Plan" recruitment promotion activities in the human resources market of Dalian. The staff of the civil affairs departments of each district attended the present to introduce relevant policies and benefits to the graduates of college in Dalian in 2022. I hope that college students can join the community workers in their hometown.

"Community Workers Qiangang Plan"

Observed recruitment of thousands of Dalian household registration freshmen

This year, Dalian has formulated and implemented the "Qiangang Plan for Community Workers", plans to arrange thousands of community workers' positions, and targeted recruitment of undergraduate graduates in Lianlian Dalian household registration in 2022.

The Dalian Civil Affairs Bureau issued a work notice to implement the "Qiangang Plan for Community Workers", which clearly requires that a certain proportion of positions must be reserved when recruiting full -time community workers in various places for targeted recruitment of undergraduate undergraduate undergraduate colleges and universities in Lianlian university. graduate. At the same time, in accordance with the air compilation of community workers in the city, the annual preset post indicators are detailed and implemented to all districts, cities, counties, and pilot areas, which facilitates localities to formulate and improve recruitment plans.

The civil affairs departments of various localities combine local reality

Take multiple ways

Attract the graduates of fresh colleges and universities in Dalian

Go to the community employment and entrepreneurship

■ Before the graduation season, Ganjingzi District and Gaoxin Park carried out the recruitment of undergraduate graduates for local household registration.

■ Zhuanghe City and Lushunkou District have held the largest community worker recruitment operation in recent years.

■ Jinpu New District actively innovated recruitment model. Through the pre -apprentices and post -recruitment methods, 275 trainees of community workers were recruited. Essence

What skills do I need to work in the community?

"Full Gangtong"

At the event site, more than 450 "Community Workers Qiangang Plan" announced in Zhongshan District, Xigang District, Shahekou District, Ganjingzi District, etc., and organized a delegation to communicate with the fresh college graduates of Dalian in 2022. Recruitment conditions, living subsidies, welfare benefits, etc., conduct policy explanations, exchanges questions, and review and receive resumes on the spot.

What skills do I need to master in the community?

According to relevant work requirements, various types of posts such as community party affairs, affairs, and services have been integrated into "full -time" jobs, which mainly undertake policy consultation, reception services, and demand resolution of various matters of the community. The management of lag service management requires the grid long, penetrates the grassroots people to master social conditions and public opinion, and organizes the relevant work of residential autonomy and service.

By the end of 2022, more than 80%of community workers in Dalian will become a "all -scientific social worker" with "one professional, one job, and more responsibility, and the full post" to promote the full -time community workers to serve the masses, lead the development, and grass -roots levels at the grassroots level. The governance capacity has been comprehensively improved.

"The community work is thousands of work, and the staff needs to be patient, can endure hardships, and have strong learning and change ability."

At the event site, community workers suggested that college students who are interested in joining the community can go to the community to participate in the community volunteer service and feel the specific community work.

The average age of urban community workers in Dalian is 39.6 years, and the degree of undergraduate degree or above accounts for 59.8%. In 2019, Dalian City took the lead in establishing the professional salary system of urban community workers in the province, further improving the measures and standards of living subsidies and distribution of community workers, and establishing and working years, job level, occupational level, performance assessment, and economic development level Connecting compensation system. As of now, the per capita subsidies of community workers in the city have increased to 5,417 yuan.

Source: Civil Affairs Bureau

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