[This generation · Responsibility] The owner persuaded to fight, the West family helped, this dark -skinned guy was a bit busy ...

Author:Chang'an Xinjiang Time:2022.08.02

Duman Yelken

His skin is dark and his figure is dry. He often shuttled in the alley in the village of Alleten, Aleten, Yumin County, Tacheng. Notebooks, maybe many people will treat him as an enthusiastic "mass". He is Duman Yelken, auxiliary police officer of the Public Security Bureau of the Public Security Bureau of the Public Security Bureau of Tacheng District.

Duman Yelken, male, Kazakh, joined Ermin Public Security in 2010. For 12 years, he has been rated as "Outstanding Auxiliary Police of the Year". police".


He is a multi -faceted hand in the community

When I first took over the Village of Aluten, Du Man found that the masses here were weak, the level of Chinese was low, and the legal knowledge was half -knowledge. For this reason, he came up with the most stupid way to translate legal knowledge into Kazakhstan language. Big vernacular, easy to understand, vivid and interesting, let the masses tell them and sing to them in the most acceptable way.

Duman Yelken promotes legal knowledge to the masses

In July 2010, Du Man learned that Ah Mou's wife was sick and hospitalized during the visit to Amou's house. The two children could not reach an agreement on the elderly and were unwilling to fulfill their support obligations. Du Man went to the two children's homes many times, resolved their grievances in their hearts one by one, and contacted them to mediation. At the same time, Duman also combined with the judicial institute to carry out legal and obligations of it, and conducted moral education for him with the personal experience of the same body. In the end, the two realized their mistakes and agreed to fulfill the obligations of the elderly.

He knows that it is not enough to rely on a person's strength. He communicates and coordinate with his colleagues and uses the opportunity of "millions of police advances" as an opportunity to promote laws and regulations and safety knowledge to the masses. Legal concepts reduce the occurrence of illegal crimes.

At the same time, he also regularly inspected the shops, schools, enterprises, institutions, and group rental housing, and established work ledger in other categories to achieve all kinds of data. The safety hazards should be arranged. Fall and tighten the "safety valve" of the community.


Ancient old man recognized him as a "dry son"

"Xiao Du, you haven't come to the house for a few days. I think you are thin. If you work hard, you have to eat on time." Grandma said with a painful hand with Du Man's hand.

Grandma was 90 years old this year. Children are working outside and often at home alone. Du Man often see grandma sitting on the bench at the door when he entered the house.

"My children are at work, my grandson and granddaughter go to school, I am alone at home, sitting at the door. If I happen, pedestrians on the road can see it, and I can help me call for help." After listening to Grandma Gu, Duman would then Remember in the bottom of her heart, visit the elderly every day, chat with her, relieve dull, help her repair the house, pour flowers, and clean, and become a habit of him. The old man praised, "This is my police son, my son is too intimate."

Over time, the crowd encountered urgency and difficult things. The water, electricity, coal failure, husband and wife disagreement, illness of family, children's reading, and even sewers of the family love to find him. He, he became the "Pepsi" in the eyes of the masses.

Duman Yelken's visit to the household

Ten years from the police

True love writing without regret youth

There were more than 600 households in the community. Du Man didn't know how many times he had gone. Every time he visited, he was used to bringing a notebook. Which one encountered difficulties and would write down one by one. So far, his laptop is filled with a drawer and accumulated a set of community working methods. The new police and auxiliary police have come to ask him for advice.

The "Xiao Zhuo" from the police academy to the police station for internship. In the complicated work, he was busy all day long, and some of them were depressed. When I visited the house, I encountered a problem and told him how to solve it effectively. He often told Xiao Zhuo that the police are a "bitter" occupation. He must have a tenacious will and the spirit of hard work. In the future, the road is still long. You must take the initiative to learn and make overall arrangements in order to make mistakes and faults in your work. Under the Duman Chuan Gang, Xiao Zhuo quickly adapted to the rhythm of work, and his work also improved significantly.

Duman Yelken reminds residents to pay attention to traffic safety

"When the weather is hot, when taking care of the masses, Uncle Duman also invites you to take care of yourself. This is my favorite sugar. Uncle Duman you must eat it!" Duman's desk, there is a handwriting A neat letter, with a few big white rabbit milk sugar on it.

Candy comes from a ten -year -old girl. Her parents work abroad all year round. She and her grandmother depend on each other. She said: "Uncle Duman is a very kind person. Help us harvest wheat. Grandma is sick. Give grandma to the hospital, help me hold a parent meeting, and teach me homework. He is like a omnipotent 'superhero'. With him, grandma and I are not afraid of anything. "

"This candy was brought back by my mother. I was reluctant to eat it and quietly put it in my pocket. I want to share my favorite with Uncle Duman." Duman, who had just returned from the street, saw this letter. Instant defense, pulled away one of the mouth, it was sweeter.


For more than ten years of ups and downs, he changed from "Xiao Du" to "Dumango, Master, Pepsi" in everyone's mouth.His responsibilities are working hard in the field, pouring out a flower of a police officer's friendship with sweat, and harvesting the fruitful fruits of Ping An District!Author/Zou Xiaoyu

Edit/Tian Jiaqi

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