Inspur software responds to employees "respiratory alkali poisoning" experts analyze the cause of induction

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.02

Cover News Profile reporter Feng Rui intern Yue Siwen

On August 1st, according to media reports, a employee of Jinan Inspur Software Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong, fainted because of physical discomfort and was subsequently sent to medical emergency treatment. Some netizens' exposure chat records showed that the company's personnel said in the WeChat group that employees with physical discomfort "24 hours continuous overtime."

On the afternoon of August 1st, Inspur Software Technology Co., Ltd. responded in its public account "Integration Pie" that the employee suddenly appeared numb after going to work in the morning and was sent to the hospital for "respiratory alkali poisoning". At present, the employee's body has returned to normal, and he will go home to rest after a brief observation.

The company's release also stated that "the employee is normal on July 30 and 31, and the physical condition is usually good." On August 2, the cover reporter asked about the follow -up situation to Inspur Software Technology Co., Ltd. None of the calls have not been responded.

Weibo screenshot

Why cause respiratory alkali poisoning?

Expert: Excessive ventilation

"Respiratory alkali poisoning is the most common is due to severe exercise, followed by excessive ventilation caused by emotional tension." Wang Xiongbiao, chief physician and blog director of the Putuo District Central Hospital of Putuo District, told the cover reporter.

Wang Xiongbiao said that respiratory alkali poisoning was due to the excessive breathing of a person, which caused excessive carbon dioxide in the body and broke the body of the body. "Most patients can relieve it naturally, and generally do not need to be admitted to the hospital under normal circumstances," he mentioned. "Saying is a serious situation, but fainting is actually a self -protection of the body. When fainting Slowness, slowing down, slowly slowing down. "

Cover reporters noticed that cases related to "respiratory alkali poisoning" caused by excessive pressure have been reported by the media many times. According to the Hunan TV Channel, in January of this year, a 21 -year -old college student in Changsha suddenly occurred in the buses, and suddenly had symptoms of shortness of breathing, numbness of limbs, and unable to move. After the doctor diagnosed, this is a respiratory alkali poisoning caused by stress. Patients said in the interview that due to the exams to be reviewed, they have stayed up late every day.

According to reports, last month, a 27 -year -old woman in Jinan was dull after being urged to marry her parents. She was panting repeatedly, and then symptoms such as dyspnea and body convulsions appeared. In the report, the doctor emphasized that if you deal with similar condition, you must appease the patient's mood and calm the state of tension and anxiety.

Inspiration of the public account "Integration Pie" release in the public account

How to deal with alkaline poisoning?

Expert: Should not open your mouth and breathe fiercely

How to treat respiratory alkali poisoning? Wang Xiongbiao said that when he feels chest tightness, he should not hold his mouth and breathe, and apply smooth breath. Secondly, if you feel obviously unwell, you can try to use the two ventilation paper bags or the mineral water bottle cut at the bottom, one at the air, and the other end inhaled and breathable at the mouth, which can increase the length of the ventilation pipeline. The oxygen in the paper bag or bottle can come in, and the carbon dioxide speed discharged will slow down. Breathing at a constant speed, it can be relieved in a few minutes.

In addition to the breathing method of paper bags and water bottles, according to Guangzhou Daily, masks, masks, or paper bags can also be covered at the patient's mouth and nose, so that the exhaled carbon dioxide can be re -inhaled to improve the symptoms of alkali poisoning. If the patient has serious convulsions such as convulsions, 120 should be called immediately to seek professional treatment. Dr. Wang Xiongbiao mentioned that only a small number of respiratory alkali poisoning diseases will become heavier, and most patients can heal naturally.

[If you have news clues, please report to us. Report WeChat Follow: IHXDSB, Report QQ: 3386405712]

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