Online Exhibition | 2022 "Beautiful Shanxi, Focus on Taixin" Photography Exhibition Online Exhibition (1)

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.08.02

"Beautiful Shanxi, Focusing on Taixin" Photography Exhibition is hosted by Taiyuan Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Xinzhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau, and hosted by Taiyuan Cultural Museum (Taiyuan Cultural Tourism Development Center) and Xinzhou Cultural Museum.One of the cultural series activities.

This photography exhibition attracted the extensive participation of photography enthusiasts in Taiyuan and Xinzhou, and collected more than 2,000 photography works.After strict selection, 100 participating works were evaluated.The exhibition works reflect the contents of the economic construction of the urban economic construction of Taiyuan and Xinzhou in recent years, the landscape of humanities and social landscapes, and the happy life of the people. It has fully demonstrated the beauty of the natural and humanities of Taixin.

Starting today, we have conducted online display on the stage of the photography exhibition to readers.


Photography in Taiyuan area


Photography in Xinzhou area

Source: Taiyuan Cultural Museum (Taiyuan Cultural Tourism Development Center)

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