China, the United States and Russia participated in the ASEAN series, experts: security and economy are still the main issues

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.03

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] From July 30th to August 6th, ASEAN ushered in an important meeting period. As a rotating chairman, Cambodia will host the ASEAN Foreign Minister Association, the East Asian Summit Foreign Minister Association, ASEAN -China, Japan and South Korea Foreign Minister Association The ASEAN Forum forums will also be held during this period. It is expected that foreign ministers and representatives from 39 countries and international organizations will gather in Phnom Penh in the Cambodian capital. The ASEAN series of conferences resumed offline meetings for the first time since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia. In addition to the internal interaction of ASEAN member states, foreign ministers such as China, the United States and Russia are particularly noticeable. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the China -ASEAN (10) Foreign Minister Association, ASEAN and China, South Korea (10+3) Foreign Minister Association, East Asian Summit Foreign Minister Association and the East Asian Summit ASEAN Forum Foreign Minister Association and held bilateral meetings with foreign ministers with many countries, but did not meet with US Secretary of State Brills.

"The ASEAN meeting was held under the clouds of the Myanmar and the Ukraine crisis." The US "diplomat" website said on the 1st that how to deal with regional and international crises is a test of ASEAN. Agence France -Presse said that the ASEAN Foreign Minister will regret that the lack of progress on the 5 -point consensus reached in Myanmar issued last April will be required to take "effective and comprehensively implementing 5 points of consensus."

In addition to the Myanmar issue, many media believe that the situation in the South China Sea will continue to become a hot topic at the ASEAN Foreign Minister's meeting. The "Voice of the United States" quoted experts on the 2nd that the South China Sea was not a topic that Cambodia wanted to discuss at the conference, but the Philippines will raise the South China Sea issue under the leadership of the new President Marcos. Agence France -Presse mentioned that when Cambodia served as the rotating chairman of ASEAN 10 years ago, it had different stances with the Philippines and Vietnam on the issues of China and China in the South China Sea issue. This time, we will work hard to avoid similar situations.

Xu Liping, director of the Asia -Pacific Culture Research Office of the Asia -Pacific Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times reporter on the 2nd that the ASEAN Foreign Minister will be carried out in very special circumstances. issue. The first is that the popularity of the new crown epidemic is not over. How to promote local economic recovery and growth, especially the cooperation under the epidemic is the primary topic; the second is input inflation caused by the Russian crisis, as well as the grain crisis, energy sources, energy sources Crisis; the third is the challenge to ASEAN in the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" step by step. In addition, the meeting will also evaluate the ASEAN community to prepare for the upcoming ASEAN Forum and the summit at the end of the year.

It is worth noting that Chinese foreign ministers and US Secretary of State will arrive in Phnom Penh on August 3. According to Russia, Russian Foreign Minister will arrive in Phnom Penh on the 4th. "Diplomacy" mentioned the background of the US House of Representatives Perosi's visit to Taiwan to attract strong response in China, and believes that the increasing strategic turbulence under Russia and Ukraine and the tension between the United States, Russia, the United States and China will be. The shadow of this week's meeting was covered. Foreign Ministers of the Three Kingdoms will attend the East Asian Summit Foreign Minister Association and the ASEAN Forum. The opposition between them will undoubtedly affect the process of the meeting. Singapore's "Straits Times" commented that ASEAN Foreign Ministers will focus on how to continue to strengthen the "neutrality" of ASEAN when discussing economic recovery under the epidemic and strengthen regional cooperation. Obviously, ASEAN does not want to be impacted in the competition of great powers.


Xu Liping mentioned that Perlis's Asian visit can be described as a "troublesome journey". The biggest dividend of ASEAN is peace and stability. Peros' visit is very inappropriate and unsupported to the perspective of ASEAN countries, because it will bring great instability to the ASEAN region. Xu Liping said that in a complex and uncertain international situation, ASEAN should play a role of a "intermediate". The United States knows that ASEAN will not choose to choose from, but from the bilateral level, the United States is likely to bring private goods. After all, it has allies in this area and has its advantages in security issues. In terms of the "Indo -Pacific Economic Framework", there are also 7 countries in ASEAN, and the United States may have new actions to strengthen coordination with these countries. He believes that overall, the United States will not give up pressure on ASEAN in security and economic issues, but the effect will not be very good.

According to the Associated Press previously reported that although the US -China and Russian foreign ministers will attend the Foreign Minister in Phnom Penh, "there is no sign" shows that the US Secretary of State will hold a bilateral meeting with China and Russian Foreign Ministers. The news that Wang Yi and Brinken did not meet were also confirmed by China. China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying revealed on the 2nd that Wang Yi will meet with foreign ministers such as Laos, Brunei, Japan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand and other foreign ministers to exchange opinions on issues that are concerned about. Essence When the foreign media asked whether China and the United States did not meet whether the meeting reflected the dissatisfaction with the Chinese side, Hua Chunying further stated that the Chinese side has recently made a series of important issues. The position and attitude are clarified. I hope that the United States can accurately receive relevant information and do not misunderstand misunderstandings.

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