Gather the big love to make the public welfare a warm heart

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.16

"I want a piece of water." "I also want one." ... Recently, in the parent group of Binhe Dubai Kindergarten in Chengdu High -tech Zone, parents participated in public welfare dragons. It turned out that after the Mengbai Community of Xiyuan Street in the high -tech zone linking Binhe Dubai Kindergarten to launch a love purchase event, it quickly received positive response from parents. 200 pieces of water were snapped up, and the income was included in the community charitable fund pool.

"Summer is here, the family is needed for water demand, and it can also cultivate children's love and let public welfare inheritance. This activity is good." Ms. Li Ms. Li talked about public welfare activities and praised schools and communities. In addition, Chengdu Atlantic Cable Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Bonded Logistics Investment Co., Ltd. also joined the loving relay, ordering a total of 400 mineral water, and all the sales income was injected into the community micro fund.

It is understood that since the "three sales" model of direct sales, merchant sales, and corporate sales in the Mengbai community, the Charity Micro Fund Management Committee has strengthened its efforts to fully integrate the resources of the society, introduce high -quality public welfare products, and at the price of not higher than the market price. The rolling cycle of the Charity Fund pool has gradually increased. In mid -May to mid -June, the community set off a wave of "helping charity micro -funds and heart -based public welfare." In addition to the subscription of water, public welfare activities include the subscription of caring citrus, watermelon, peppercorns, toilet paper, etc.

As of now, through the "three sales" model, the micro -base gold pool has reached more than 9,000 yuan. All the funds are used to support the personnel of the employment of special groups in the community. The Growth Camp project will be used in more public welfare support projects, rescue special groups, and corporate friendship in the later period.

Love is a drop of water, which can nourish people's hearts. According to the person in charge of the Mengbai community, the community gathered great love with small love, let the public welfare travel warm people, and let the public welfare stick continue to pass on.

Figures of Wu Xiaohong Community, a reporter from Huaxi Community Media

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