Kong Qinghong: "Every day is a hot journey"

Author:Rizhao Daily Time:2022.08.03

In the summer season, the breeze of the 10,000 acres of yellow peach garden in Sanzhuang Town was blowing, and the cooked yellow peaches were full of branches.

"At present, for the production, sales and processing of yellow peaches, we have carried out agricultural technology cooperation in Qingdao Agricultural University, connected to the Shandong Foreign Language Vocational and Technical University for online sales cooperation, and connected with foreign companies for refined processing cooperation. We hope to revitalize the yellow peach industry. Help the villagers to increase their income. "For more than half a year in the village, Kong Qinghong's face black, boiled white horns, and unchanged, it was his original intention and persistence.

Strong Party Construction · Longquan Guanzhuang's "New Change"

"Secretary Kong, the elderly in the village are all in the village committee, singing and dancing to live broadcast, but it's lively, come on!" In the fourth day of 2022, Kong Qinghong rushed back to the village committee from the town, and then The folks were pulled into the live broadcast of the live broadcast.

In November 2021, Kong Qinghong was sent by the CPPCC to the first secretary of Longquan Guanzhuang Village. At the same time, he served as the deputy secretary of the party committee of Sanzhuang Town (posting) and 18 first secretary of the first secretary of Sanzhuang Town.

After arriving at the village, after investigation and visits, he found that there was a "four more, one less one difference" in the village: there were many elderly people in the village, more disabled people, more people with major illnesses, and a large number of people who eat minimum living. It was determined by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee as a "weak and scattered" grass -roots party organization.

Facing the problems and dilemma that need to be solved one by one, Kong Qinghong's thoughts, looking for the road, and the "two committees" team of the village, fighting the difficulties one by one!

Touching the village conditions, the first thing Kong Qinghong was to grasp the party building. "Party building is the foundation. Only when the party building is strong can the village be found to be the foundation and 'strong bones'."

Establish a leadership group for rectification work to implement responsibilities for division of labor; invite town organization members and officers to the village to help the village conduct "political medical examinations"; establish a "two -commission" theory of the "two commissions" theory and Village "discussion system; improve the volunteer service organization, set up Longquan Dandelion Volunteer Service Team ... A system and measures to inject" strong heart needle "into the development of the village.

Gathering heart · "This secretary is a bit warm"

"This cotton is new, and the quilt is also new. How many years at home have not changed the new quilt ..." The villager Wang Pei said with emotion.

Soon after the village, Kong Qinghong used a "warm winter action" to allow folks to remember this first secretary who did practical things, solved the people, and sent warmth. At the end of last year, he coordinated the funds to build a 3 -kilometer -long and 10 -meter -wide forest protection highway; the 27th lunar calendar, he coordinated the funds and put into use for the 63 solar street lights bought in the village. On the 28th of the lunar month, he coordinated more than 1,500 kilograms of rice and sent it to the villagers through points reward; he was a 43 old party member in the village, 78 or more old people over 75 years old, 51 people with the disabled, and 22 newly added severe families. A bed quilt; sending cotton shoes and sending books to 36 left -behind children in the village; distributing prizes for 696 outstanding villagers volunteers and 15 outstanding villagers representatives, and the "seven full coverage" of 1122 people in the village.

After the Spring Festival, he implemented the "Warm Spring Action", contacted colleges and universities such as Tsinghua University to return home students and technicians to send technologies to the villagers; organized 25 left -behind students and 16 parents who walked out of the mountain village to visit the city. The villagers The happiness of their happiness was written on their faces.

Promoting development and helping "New Sanzhuang" high -quality development

"Our 18 first secretary is 18 red flags ..." At the 18th of this year, the work mobilization conference of Sanzhuang Town's work mobilization, "Our" 18 First Secretary "created by Kong Qinghong was unanimously praised by the audience.

"The party committee and the government have arrangements, and the first secretary has action and the cadres of the job!" As the deputy secretary of the party committee of the township and township, Kong Qinghong must perform his duties in addition to the 18 first secretary, but also promote the town's economy and society High -quality development.

In order to improve the quality of cadres under the age of 35, in response to problems such as young people who are unwilling to return to their hometown, under the arrangement of the town party committee, the fifth day of the first month of this year, he took the lead in establishing the "Sanzhuang Town Youth Development Association". There are more than 260 youth members, set up in 11 circles, and activities every month ...

On March 5 this year, Kong Qinghong took the lead in organizing and hosted the second "Cow Cow Festival" in Sanzhuang Town in the four -acre village. The tourists at the scene were crowded, the educated primary school students jumped excitedly, the blue sky rescue team guarded the scene, and the majority of young people planted the "youth forest". With a whip, farming cattle deep plows ...

"Sanzhuang Huangtao started late, and the level of management, processing, and marketing was not enough, but the variety was good and stamina." According to the town party committee, Kong Qinghong led the establishment of "Sanzhuang Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang Huang on the basis of multi -party research and argument. "Tao Industry Party Construction Alliance" further "build chain, supplement chain, extend chain, and strong chain", put party building at the forefront of the industrial chain, and use the party building alliance to drive the development of the industry.

"Three Zhuang people, we must take the lead in telling the story of Sanzhuang, spread the positive energy of Sanzhuang, and condense the better power of the Sanzhuang people to help the development." On July 1 this year, according to the town party committee arrangement, Kong Qinghong led the establishment of the town youth media The center, integrate the media companies, e -commerce and human resources agencies mainly based on Sanzhuang, to further build a new media matrix in rural rejuvenation, and to promote more tourists from Sanzhuang landscape, so that the town's agricultural products will better get out of the town out of the town. Mountain village.

On July 16 this year, on the first day of Fushuang, the first "Full Sheep Festival" in Sanzhuang opened in Longmen Scenic Area, and 24 local sheep names for all local sheep were fiercely competitive.At the same time, Sanzhuang's "Sanzhuang · Taste Food" Catering Alliance should be established. Public welfare cooking training, restaurant management, physical store marketing, online fast sales and other matters followed."Every day, it is a new journey of hot. The grassroots work is not easy. This requires us to do it with our hearts, hard work, and affection.(Reporter Chen Xiao)

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