The Eighteenth Multi -Lang Turtle Cultural Tourism Festival and Kuqi Market's first Guizi Cultural and Art Festival opening Time:2022.06.16

Tianshan News (Reporter Zhang Ruilin reported) On June 16th, in the early morning of Donghu Plaza in Kaima City, the cheerful melody of Matsteos, Hand Drum, Hand Drums and other musical instruments. The opening ceremony of the Eighteenth Dorang Guizi Cultural Tourism Festival and Kuqa Market's first series of Culture and Art Festival series activities were held here.

On June 16th, on the East Lake Plaza of Curom City in the Aksu area, the 18th Dorang Guizi Cultural Tourism Festival and the first Guizi Cultural and Art Festival in the Aksu area opened, and the actors performed. Wang Zhou Photo

On the same day, along the East Lake Plaza, one side was the exhibition of Kuyan agricultural special products, and the other side was the display of traditional culture and national song and dance. The lively scenes attracted more and more residents and tourists.

The 80 -year -old resident Zhao Guoju, the resident of Kuchi Market, came to the Shimbar Product Exhibition Area. After tasteing a few small white apricots, he nodded with satisfaction: "Such activities are very popular with the people, which not only enriches our cultural life, but shows our Kukou. The style of style also provides a larger platform for agricultural product sales. "

It is understood that the theme of the Cultural and Art Festival is "Pinyou Dukuzi Culture · Writing 'Apricot' Fugu Car Story". Dozens of Cultural and Art Festival, thousands of Hanfu shows, non -heritage exhibitions, opera singing, mural exhibitions, Guizi Sai Xing Society, and electronic syllables, etc., allow local people and foreign tourists to share festival feast.

Shan Shanwu, director of the Culture, Sports Radio and Television and Tourism Bureau, introduced that Kuoma Market will use this series of activities to create a good atmosphere of focusing on tourism, participating in tourism, supporting tourism, and promoting tourism, and comprehensively promote the "cultural+tourism" " Non -heritage+tourism "," sports+tourism "," agricultural+tourism "and other new models, accelerate the activation of the tourist market, cultivate new growth points of the tourism economy, and show the charm of" Silk Road Ancient Turtle Zizi Magic Aksu " Essence

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