Wuhan "Safety Publicity Consultation Day" event was launched, netizens watched live clouds to learn family safety knowledge

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.16

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client June 16 (Reporter's administrative correspondent Xie Miao) "If the gas leaks at home, do not panic, open the window to ventilate immediately, close the gas switch and gas pipeline valve Outdoor security calls the gas company phone ... "On the morning of June 16th, in front of the Gas Safety Theme of the Wuhan Emergency Administration of Emergency Administration, the staff carefully explained the knowledge of family gas safety. On the same day, the launching ceremony of the "Safety Publicity Consultation Day" event of Hubei Province and Wuhan City in 2022 was held.

Starting ceremony. Reporter's administration

June this year is the 21st "Safety Production Month" in the country. The theme is "the first responsible person to comply with the safety production law". It is the National Safety Publicity Consultation Day on June 16.

In the launching ritual outdoor live broadcast interactive area, anchors visited safety theme consultants such as gas safety, electricity safety, family fire risk prevention, and summer drowning, and explained safety knowledge to the majority of netizens and demonstrated emergency equipment. The reporter saw that at home fire insurance prevention consultation desk, firefighters sprayed pesticides to the flames of the ignition weapon, and the insecticide sprayed out instantly raised a "fire dragon". "Family insecticides, glue, and perfume spray should be taken to avoid bright fires to avoid causing fires." Firefighters said. The summer anti -drowning consultation desk showed the rescue equipment such as AED automatic body tremor, sonar detector, and underwater high -definition positioning camera. Swiming in the water privately, he found that someone drowned and rescued blindly.

Firefighters explained the knowledge of fire insurance. Reporter's administration

It is understood that the Wuhan Emergency Administration has launched a series of special activities during the production safety month: the theme light show of the safety production theme is staged on the two banks of the river; the city's 50 large LED displays are scrolled to play safety production animation science popularization films; "Wuhan emergency paper The "aircraft" event went deep into more than 2,600 junior high schools, primary schools and kindergartens in the city; a number of enterprises initiated initiative, calling on the person in charge of the city's enterprises to earnestly assume the responsibility of the "first responsible person" of production safety. On the same day, relevant departments and units in the city also organized emergency drills, outdoor preaching, community popularization and other activities to strengthen the publicity of safety production and let safety awareness deeply rooted in people's hearts.

The players of the blue sky rescue team explained the use of an automatic vibrator. Reporter's administration

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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