The quality of soldiers who are loyal and dedicated | China Road China Dream

Author:Contemporary China Think Tank Time:2022.06.16

At the entrance of the community, several young soldiers insisted on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia. They nodded towards the family and children not far away without doing too much exchanges. During the prevention and control of Beijing's new crown pneumonia's epidemic, many soldiers "nailed" in their posts to regularly assist family districts to do duty, materials and personnel transfer to build a solid line of defense for the health and life safety of the people.

The quality of the soldiers is like an inspirational stone, while engraving with loyalty and dedication. I still remember that the "SARS" was coming in 2003. I participated in the epidemic prevention work at Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing. My wife is a military doctor who is treating the patient in front line. For a few months, we have not returned home or have never seen each other. Although the work was hard, they cheered each other. It was during this time that I experienced and witnessed more than 4,000 construction workers fighting continuously, and built a feat with 1,000 beds of beds with only 7 days and nights. After many years, his wife still remembered the vow of the time at that time- "As long as there is a patient who is not out of danger, I will not lower the front line." Smelling, the burden of bravery, and daring to fight tough battles, the people's army has always been a hero and the people that can be trusted by the party and the people.

Time flows, the living environment is changing, and material conditions are changing, but the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly has never changed. The people's army has always been a child of the people's trust, the support of the people, and the love of the people. Faced with the sudden new crown pneumonia's epidemic, my detachment was responsible for assisting the Capital Airport for preventing and controlling the epidemic. All officers and soldiers sank each duty point for 24 hours to do a good job of personnel inspection, personnel transport, and service guarantee. In the face of the continuous spread of the clustering epidemic, we resolutely build the line of defense of "external prevention input and internal defense rebound". Compared with the past, our emergency measures are more powerful and there are more measures. On the large screen of the detachment duty room, the situation information is updated in real time. We have also established a joint control mechanism with the health and epidemic prevention department to respond in a timely manner in accordance with the changes in the situation, scientifically formulate epidemic prevention plans, and fight for active battles.

The work method is progressing, and the soldiers grow up in the difficulty of overcome difficulties. In the prevention and control of the epidemic, many young soldiers served as the main force. They interpreted the fearless spirit, the lofty morality of dedication, and the loyal character that dared to take responsibility in ordinary posts. In a duty inspection, our team passed by with a pair of mother and son, and inadvertently heard such a conversation. The child asked: "Mom, everyone is afraid of the virus, why are they not afraid?" The mother replied: "They are brothers of soldiers, they are those who protect us!" Where there is crisis, there will be people's children. Always standing on the people's position and courage to take the task of urgency and danger, you can win the sincere support of the vast number of people and build the copper wall and iron wall of the city.

(The author is a political member of the Beijing Corps of the Armed Police)

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