[Gansu Jinchang] Jinchang City held a practical educational activity of "Silver Development Seedling Growth"

Author:Jinchang Daily Time:2022.08.03

On July 29, the "Silver Development Seedlings Growth" practical educational activity organized by the Municipal Old Cadre Bureau and the Municipal Customs Working Committee walked into Changfengli Community, Xinhua Road Street, Xinhua Road, Jinchuan District, and made the theme of "The Spirit of Red Boats, Lighting Qianqiu" theme for young people. Party history preach.

During the event, Zhang Youxue, a member of the "Sunset Red" preaching group of the city's "Sunset Red" lecture group, took the growth and development process of the Communist Party of China as the lead, and explained in a simple explanation to re -creation of "red ships" and inheriting the "red boat spirit". Promote the red spirit of selfless dedication, report the national feelings, always listen to the party, follow the party, be a good boy who is diligent and active, and grows into a socialist builder and successor who has developed into a comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor. During the event, the "Five Old" representatives also exchanged their learning experience with the teenagers and presented learning supplies for young people. The teenagers have said that the spirit of the Red Boat has been carried forward, and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is presented with actual actions.

More than 30 people from the "Five Olds" of the city and districts, representatives of youth, and staff of the Customs Work Committee participated in the event.

Reporter: Yan Honghai intern Chen Xinyue

Edit: Yu chrysanthemum

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