Notice!These three types of people can receive a sum of money!

Author:Published by Hubei Time:2022.08.03

good news!

Hubei has issued a one -time entrepreneurial subsidy!

College graduates within 5 years of graduation

Employment difficult

Returning entrepreneurs can apply

Where to apply?

What conditions are needed?

What is the subsidy standard?

Take a look with Xiao Bu together

1. College students' one -time entrepreneurial subsidy

(1) Enjoy objects

Within 5 years of graduation, college graduates

(2) Application conditions

In the Hubei Province, small and micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, private non -enterprise units, and professional cooperatives of farmers in Hubei Province, who operate for more than 6 months and drive employment 2 or more, give 5,000 yuan of one -time entrepreneurial subsidies;

If the above -mentioned start -ups are registered within 1 year of registration, the recruiters are recruited, and the labor contract is signed for more than one year and pays social insurance premiums in accordance with regulations, the subsidy shall be given in accordance with the standard of 1,000 yuan/person, and the total subsidy shall not exceed 20,000 yuan.

(3) Declaration approach

Apply for the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the county and city where the business license is registered.

(4) Note

College students can only enjoy once for one -time entrepreneurial subsidies.

2. Entrepreneurship subsidies for employment difficulties

(1) Enjoy objects

Employment difficulties identified by the Human Resources and Social Security Department

(2) Application conditions

Founded a small and micro enterprise or engaged in individual operations, and operated normally for more than 1 year from the date of receiving the business license.

(3) Subsidy standard

2000 dollars

(4) Declaration approach

Apply for the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the county and city where the business license is registered.

(5) Note

Entrepreneurship subsidies for employment difficulties can only be enjoyed once.

3. Return to home and start a business subsidy

(1) Enjoy objects

Returning entrepreneurs, that is, employment, entrepreneurship, reading, and service for military service for 6 months and above, and returned to the original household registration county (city, district) to establish various types of business entities.

(2) Application conditions

1. The representative of the business legal person (the person in charge of the individual industrial and commercial households, the same below) is a return entrepreneur, 16 years old (inclusive) to enjoy the basic pension insurance benefits according to law, and has not enjoyed other one -time entrepreneurial subsidies of the Human Resources Department.

2. The legal representative (person in charge) will register for the first entrepreneurial business after returning to the home;

3. Entrepreneurship within 5 years (calculated by the interval time of the registration date and the application date of the subsidy), it runs for 6 months or more and drives at least 3 people to employment.

(3) Subsidy standard

5000 yuan

(4) Declaration approach

Apply for the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the county and city where the business license is registered.

(5) Note

Returning to the hometown to start a one -time subsidy can only be enjoyed once.

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Source: Hubei Release, Hubei Radio and Television Media News Center, Yangtze River Cloud Headline Channel

Edit: Guo Jinhua

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