From "Glory of the Country" to "National Business Card" and "Hualong One" with independent innovation to cast a strong country with a strong country

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.03

[Discover the most beautiful you comment on my theory] From "Glory of the Country" to "National Business Card" and "Hualong One" with independent innovation to cast a strong country and heavy weapon

China Net August 3 (Reporter Wu Jiayu) The blue sky and the blue sea are neatly located in the "round fat pier". They are nuclear power units, exuding majestic hard core forces. It is these "strong powers" that promotes my country's nuclear industry development to a new era.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has attached great importance to the development of the nuclear industry, and my country's nuclear industry construction has accelerated. Fujian Zhangzhou Nuclear Power No. 2 unit 2 steam generator is successfully lifted, Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power No. 3 unblocking pile cavity water injection box module 2 successfully lifts, Fujian Zhangzhou nuclear power plant No. 1 and 2 220kV auxiliary power supply pouring power complete completion ... Recently, my country's independent three -generation nuclear power technology "Hualong No. 1" batch project is happy.

Looking back at the development of China's nuclear industry for more than 60 years, from the blue width of the road to the bright stars, from 100,000, 300,000, 600,000 to a million kilowatt -level pressure water pile nuclear power plant. Promote my country's nuclear industry from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, and to leap from weak to strong, and use independent innovation to rank among the world's nuclear industry power.

Autonomous innovation cast "national heavy weapon"

Independent innovation is an inexhaustible driving force for the development of the nuclear industry in my country. "Hualong No. 1", as a three -generation nuclear power technology that is completely independently designed in China, has formed a complete intellectual property rights and independent standard system. Its success has brought China's nuclear power to the monopoly of foreign nuclear power technology. Beautiful "National Business Card".

On January 30, 2021, the "Hualong -1" world's first Dump of China Nuclear Group Fuqing Nuclear Power 5 was put into commercial operation. The first pile was 68.7 months, forming more than 700 domestic patents, and the localization rate of equipment reached 88%. Since then, my country's nuclear power technology level and comprehensive strength have ranked among the world's first square, becoming a country that truly master the three generations of nuclear power technology after the United States, France, Russia and other countries. On March 25, 2022, the second unit of the "Hualong -1" demonstration project, the No. 6 unit of China Nuclear Group Fuqing Nuclear Power No. 6, officially had commercial transportation conditions. So far, the "Hualong One" demonstration project has been fully completed and put into operation.

As a nuclear power base, security is the top priority. At the beginning of the design, "Hualong One" adopted the highest international security standards, and adopted a variety of security methods to strengthen the in -depth defense of nuclear power plants. At the same time, based on mature engineering practices and equipment manufacturing systems, Hualong I originally adopted the security design concept of "177 core layout" and "combination of ability to move with non -mobility" to innovate the design Avoid the occurrence of various nuclear accidents, and fully meet the requirements of the highest international security standards in terms of security.

The success of "Hualong One" has built a bridge for my country's nuclear power technology "going global". On May 21, 2021, the "Hualong One" overseas Pakistana Karachi K2 unit was put into commercial operation. The K3 unit will also be put into commercial operation in 2022. According to the relevant person in charge of the project, after the two units are put into operation, they can support the nearly one -third of Pakistan's power gap to contribute to Pakistan's clean energy use in 2030. In addition to Pakistan, my country has also established cooperative relationships with nuclear power projects with many countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” such as Argentina.

At present, many units at home and abroad have been fully controlled by the operation safety and quality of the Nuclear power unit in the construction of the Nuclear power unit, which has further enhanced the confidence of countries around the world about "Hualong One". "The" Hualong One "Pakistan Karachi project is the messenger of China -Pakistan friendship, the bridge of China -Pakistan cooperation, and the practitioner of the 'Belt and Road' initiative." Said the party secretary and chairman of Hainan Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

"Shuanglong Qi Fei" created a shocking scene

At the Hainan Nuclear Power Base of China Nuclear Group, the reporter saw the shocking scene of "Shuanglong Qi Fei, Three Piles of Co -Building "-" Hualong One "Hainan Nuclear Power Unit 3 and 4 is in full swing. "Linglong One", another major independent innovation achievement of "exquisite body, huge energy".

Compared with the nuclear power units with dozens or even a million kilowatts of nuclear power plants, "Linglong One" has the characteristics of miniaturized design, modular deployment, non -capable safety, and integrated technologies. The cycle is short and the deployment is flexible. It can be built near cities and users. While power supply, it can also meet various purposes such as seawater desalination and industrial heating. The applicable scenarios are richer.

In April 2016, the "Linglong One" independently developed by my country became the world's first small pile to pass the security review of international atomic energy agencies. On July 13, 2021, Hainan Changjiang Multi -purpose Modular Small Stack Technology Demonstration Project was officially started. It is the world's first land commercial modular small heap, marking that my country has gone at the forefront of the world's module -oriented pile technology.

"'Linglong No. 1' Small Stack will drive the high level of my country's nuclear energy -related industrial groups, forming another important heap brand, which is of great significance for developing the strategic goal of developing the international small pile market and achieving 'going out'." The project related to the project. The person in charge introduced.

At the construction site of the "Linglong No. 1" project, the reporter experienced the difficulties of the construction environment. The relevant person in charge of the project introduced that the highest temperature at the construction site could reach 40 ° C. In order to ensure that the project was completed within 58 months, there were more than 700 scenes at the scene. Name construction workers work, key paths 24 hours. It is understood that the power generation power of "Linglong One" is 125,000 kilowatts, and the power generation can reach 1 billion kilowatt -hours after completion, which can meet the needs of 526,000 households. Energy -saving high -efficiency help "double carbon" goals

At present, my country has proposed the "double carbon" task of "carbon -to -peak, carbon neutrality", and accelerating the development of clean energy is my country's major energy strategy. In wind, light, water, and nuclear cleaning energy, nuclear power is the base lotus energy that can replace coal power on a large scale. As a clean, low -carbon, reliable, and efficient energy, nuclear energy plays an important role in ensuring energy security and social livelihood.

Related data show that the "Hualong One" stand -alone group has a single -machine power generation of nearly 10 billion kilowatt -hours per year, which can meet the annual production and lifestyle demand of 1 million people in the middle developed countries. Compared with coal -fired power stations at the same scale, standard coal consumption can be reduced by 3.12 million tons and 8.16 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year, which is equivalent to more than 70 million trees and afforestation and forestry.

"The annual power generation capacity of Fuqing Nuclear Power reaches 50 billion kilowatt -hours, which is equivalent to one -half of the annual power generation of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, which is equivalent to a quarter of the electricity consumption of the whole society in Fujian Province, which is equivalent to reducing the emission of more than 40 million tons of carbon dioxide. The sulfur dioxide is 130,000 tons and 350 million trees are planted. "

Nuclear power base drives industrial upgrading

Since the development of "Hualong One", it has not only played an important role in power supply, but also benefited from upstream and downstream related industrial chains, helping the industrial transformation and upgrading of towns around the nuclear power base, providing a large number of employment opportunities, and at the same time played important forces in rural revitalization.

"Changjiang has a special and brilliant history of island industrial civilization. It once relied on rich mineral resources, '" Eating Mountains and Mountains "to develop ore mining processing and cement building materials and other industries, which has made important contributions to the construction and development of Hainan. At the time of exhaustion, the industrial transformation and upgrading is imminent. "Liang Ming, deputy secretary of the Changjiang Li nationality party committee and county magistrate, said that in the past two years, with the landing of Hainan Nuclear Power Base in Changjiang, Changjiang relying on the advantages of the nuclear power clean energy base to create a high -tech high -tech high -tech high -tech high -tech high -tech high -tech high -new new energy base The technical industrial park explores a clear transformation path that is in line with the positioning of the Hainan free trade port industry, and realizes the "reborn" type of "reborn" development from the "black and gray" industry to "green". As of the end of 2021, the industrial park achieved revenue of 12.4 billion yuan. According to Sun Yungen, general manager of Hainan Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., by 2035, the scale of the industrial park will reach 100 billion yuan.

The normal operation of an industrial base requires a large number of industrial workers. In Hainan Nuclear Power, the reporter saw nearby villagers working here. The smile from the heart during the conversation was moving.

"In the past, there was a small selling shop at home, but in the end of the year, I was busy but not much money. Since the establishment of a nuclear power base near the village, there are more people. . Not only that, the nuclear power base also provides employment opportunities for housewives like me. It is fixed and off at get off work, and there are shuttle shuttle delivery. The treatment benefits are guaranteed. They can rest on holidays. It feels very happy and happy to bring the child base. "Su Chengmei, who worked at the laundry room at Hainan Nuclear Power Base, said excitedly. There are not a few villagers who work in Hainan nuclear power like Su Chengmei, and they have become "industrial workers" even more proud of them from the bottom of their hearts.

The light of nuclear energy illuminates the most beautiful hometown

After driving for an hour from Hainan Nuclear Power Base, it reached the Bidong Village of Qizhou Town, Qianli Autonomous County, Hainan, a designated poverty alleviation country in Hainan. In terms of geography, Yidong Village does not have the advantages of natural resources and tourism resources. It is one of the villages with a large difficulty of poverty alleviation in Hainan.

The village committee has three natural villages (Yidong Village, Zhimu Village, Baoyou Village), totaling 420 households and 1940 people. According to statistics, the whole village enjoys 93 low -guarantee 39 households, 9 households with special poverty -stricken support, 81 disabled people, and 18 elderly people. As of the end of 2020, there were 164 households in the village's establishment of 164 households as scheduled as scheduled to get rid of poverty. As of May 2022, a total of 40 households were included in the monitoring.

Li Yijun, the first secretary of Hainan Nuclear Power in Village, introduced that Hainan Nuclear Power invested more than 6 million yuan in the promotion of the construction of beautiful villages and promoting rural revitalization in Yidong Village to distribute mango seedlings and Wenchang chicken seedlings for villagers. The water storage tower, garbage pond, and sewage ditch cover, maintenance of street lights that have been disrepaired for many years, and e -commerce in the village to open sales for agricultural products. "The style of the entire village and the governance of the living environment have undergone tremendous changes." Li Yijun said.

【Edit: Tian Boqun】

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