What is the dark things in the field snails, scallops, abalone ... can it be eaten?

Author:Chongqing Satellite TV Time:2022.08.03

Why is Huang Xunzi and flower clams similar, but the price is so much worse? How can we differently eat shellfish? Today, Tan Yuqing, an associate professor of the School of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, China Agricultural University, give us a good talk ~


Huang Xizi has high requirements for the growth environment, so the price is relatively high. The yellow cricket is large, yellow, thick, and thick; the clams are smaller, mixed, and thin. Pay attention to distinguish.


There are many types of shellfish, high nutritional value


Belly category

Depending on the growth environment of shellfish, it can be divided into seawater shellfish and freshwater shellfish.

Among them, scallops, clams, hair, oysters, clams, mussels, etc. belong to the sea water shellfish; while the snails, snails, river mussels, back corners have no teeth mussels, river crickets, triangular sail mussels, etc. belong to freshwater shellfish.


The nutritional value of shellfish

① Rich high -quality protein content;

② Low fat content and easy to absorb;

③ It is rich in vitamins;

④ Contains a large amount of minerals.

However, people with hyperuricemia, gout, and seafood allergies are not suitable for shellfish.


Select shellfish to see 5 points

Question: Should I choose the shell or tightly? How to choose fresh shellfish seafood?

Experts tell us: We must not judge the survival of shellfish by opening and closing. You can see the following 5 points to choose shellfish:

① Look at the shape, the color of the fresh shell shell is shiny, and the limbs are hard and flexible;

② Observation of vitality, tightly or retracted in the body when touching, indicating freshness;

③ Look at the water quality, the water quality of the shellfish is clear, indicating that the vomiting is relatively clean;

④ Smelling the smell, fresh shellfish has a kind of umami, and those who are not fresh will have a smell;

⑤ Listening to the sound, the sound of shaking shellfish is not new.


Can she eat the black part of the shellfish?

According to the following principles:

① Scallops generally only eat closed shell muscles;

② Internal organs of abalone contain photosensitive toxins, which cannot be eaten;

③ The muscles and reproductive glands of the snails can be eaten. Internal organs cannot be eaten, but they need to be fully cooked to prevent infected parasites;

④ The sand such as clams and river crickets can be eaten when the sand is clean.


How to quickly let Tianluo spit the sand?

Soaking with salt water, soaking in warm water, or shaking, it can let the shells vomit sand, but soak it with salt and oil to make the shells vomit the effect better.


Can the parasite be killed with high liquor?

Highly liquor sterilization and disinfection function is limited, and raw pickled seafood may have parasites and bacteria. And the weather is hot, the bacterial reproduction is accelerated, seafood is more likely to deteriorate, and it can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

7:20 on August 4th at 7:20

10:15 evening

Chongqing Satellite TV "Healthy Home"

Special China Agricultural University

Associate Professor Tan Yuqing, Associate Professor of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering

Bring "Food Experts Teach You How to Eat Headian Symapaids"

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