The first kindergarten homeland in Shendashan District, Suining City joins hands with children's summer anti -drowning safety missionary

Author:Chuanshan Rong Media Time:2022.08.03

During the summer vacation, the weather was hot, and it coincided with the main flood season. Drowning safety accidents entered a high period of incidence and multiple periods.Recently, the first kindergarten in the Pianshan District of Suining City reminded parents of children to take care of their children through the methods of "To Parents", telephone, WeChat, etc., and at the same time strengthened their children's anti -drowning safety education during the summer vacation, enhance children's safety awareness of safety awareness.And self -defense awareness.

The weaving students have no duties for the summer drowning safety network.The first kindergarten in the Pianshan District hopes that parents will effectively strengthen their awareness of guardianship, fulfill their responsibility for guardianship, and strengthen education and management of children.At the same time, through an easy -to -understand way, instruct parents to master the knowledge of effective prevention of drowning accidents, precautions to prevent drowning, "six no", "ten points", "ten points", and the first aid method after the child's drowning., Avoid drowning safety accidents.

Pianshan Rong Media reporter Bu Kai

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