Jinan issued a million yuan for pregnancy assist subsidies, up to 5,000 yuan can be received

Author:Love Jinan Client Time:2022.08.04

After the liberalization of the "three -child" policy last year, it has aroused widespread concern in society. In addition to various discussions from the perspective of economics, population, and sociology, fertility and health science still occupy the "C position" of the topic list. "'Three -child' policy has been relieved, but can I still give birth when I get older?" The panic that elderly women want to have three children but can't be pregnant are getting worse ...

In order to support the government's policy of benefiting the people and the people, the Jinan Daily and Qiluyuan Dream Bringing Project and Jinan Third Grand Reproductive Hospital opened a public welfare pregnancy aid plan to issue special million funds for pregnancy subsidies. This million fund assistance subsidies will be provided for special assistance to infertility inspection, outpatient treatment, hospitalization and other projects. , Difficulty and difficulty in breeding, such difficulties, promote eugenics and eugenics, protect family harmony and social stability, and solve problems such as "difficulty in seeing a doctor and expensive medical treatment".

The reporter learned that since the event was launched on July 29, hundreds of citizens have applied for subsidies. It is reported that they accounted for 75%due to fallopian tubular infertility, about 15%of endocrine infertility, 4%of male infertility, and 6%of the others. In response to the analysis of the proportion of infertility, Shi Lifang, director of precision tire preservation clinic of Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital, said: "conception is a complex physiological process, and each link is important. It is a 'killer' for women infertility. The reason is mostly related to artificial abortion, unclean life, and gynecological inflammation. Therefore, female friends should develop good life and hygiene habits and prevent early prevention. Diagnosis and treatment is the most critical. "

The reporter learned that the collection scope of the "Qiluyuan Dream Bringing Project" public welfare pregnancy aid plan is to meet the national family planning policy and age as a permanent population than 49 years old. After the medical examination and screening of the "Qiluyuan Dream Bringing Project" public welfare pregnancy plan, patients with the treatment significance can enjoy the treatment subsidy.

Citizens who meet the application conditions fill in the application form of maternity subsidies, and the staff will review the information filled in by the applicant. After review and approval, families with difficulty in completing the conditions and the need for assistance, according to the management measures and processes of assistance funds, issue public welfare pregnancy assistance pregnancy Subsidies 2000 yuan to 5,000 yuan.

In order to ensure the rights and interests of each applicant and avoid waste of subsidies, each citizen's family is limited to declaration once, and do not fill in multiple times. After the review is approved, the system will make an appointment in the order of registration. The staff will contact the citizen's family within 48 hours, verify the relevant information, and inform the relevant rules.

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