Be careful!Tan notice tomorrow ...

Author:Leping Public Security Time:2022.08.04

Another annual Qixi Festival

The hot weather can't stop the enthusiasm of the love people

Shopping malls and cinemas are about to become sugar (dog abuse) scene

But love is easy to make people "stunned"

With the diversification of dating methods

Frauds named after marriage and dating are increasingly increasing

Based on several categories of Valentine's Day high -incidence fraud methods

Shushu sent a copy here

Tanabata Defense Fraud Guide

Remind the general public to be vigilant


Tanabata Deficiency Guide

Marriage website fraud

Most of the major wedding love websites will hold various activities on the eve of Valentine's Day and the same day. Criminals often look at this opportunity to set up traps. Frequent false status on the wedding website to cause the victim's interest. After weeks of pursuit of you on the Internet, you will often say that there is a sudden situation, letting you transfer money, or other reasons to deceive your money.

Police reminder:

Most of the victims of this class of fraud are single middle -aged men and women who registered members on the marriage website. They have certain economic strength and are simple social. They are eager to choose spouse through the Internet. Shu Yan reminds not to trust online marriage and dating advertisements. Before paying your sincerity and money, try to verify the true identity of the other party through multiple channels.

Online shopping gift fraud

On Valentine's Day, couples presented gifts to express their love, which provided opportunities for criminals. When you select a gift to submit an order on the shopping website, you will receive a telephone or information that claims to be a website customer service. The refund is required on the grounds of abnormal order. Get your bank card, ID card and other information, and finally transfer the money from the card.

Police reminder:

Some consumers who are not familiar with online shopping transaction processes and online shopping guarantees are easily deceived. When you encounter such fraud, you must be vigilant, carefully check whether the domain name provided by the other party is different, call the official customer service consultation in time, and identify the authenticity of websites such as online banking and online shopping platforms.

Advertising fraud

Valentine's Day may receive a lot of advertisements on Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day on Valentine's Email. Some criminals also take the opportunity to send users an advertisement mail with Trojan horses. Once the user clicks the link in the email, personal account information may be stolen by criminals.

Police reminder:

Before checking the mail, do not click at will to determine the authenticity of the mailbox address.

Social tool fraud

On Valentine's Day, some people are looking forward to the encounter during Valentine's Day. The scammers look at people's psychology and scam the "nearby people" through social tools such as WeChat and Momo. Some scammers have replaced WeChat avatars with beauty avatars. Through the function of "looking for people nearby", they add nearby men as friends. After adding a friend, he deceives money for various reasons.

Police reminder:

The criminals contacted the victims through the "nearby people" function, and then required the victim to transfer money for various reasons. After the fraud was successful, they lost contact. The victims often can't stand the temptation and fall into the trap set by the other party. We must keep alert to the ambiguous information on social tools to avoid being used by criminals and suffering illegal violations.

"Kill Pig Drive" fraud

The scammers are pretending to be a "single person". After adding a friend, I will frequently chat with you to make you trust it. When the relationship is stable, it is convenient for the convenience to start making money to make money together. At the beginning, the scammers will make a few strokes through the background operation. When you taste the sweetness, the scammers will claim that they have mastered the law of this app, as long as they (she) invest in, they can make stable earnings. After the victim invested a large amount, the funds on the platform could not be withdrawn.

Police reminder:

Netizens who have been met with noodles, online dating objects recommend that you invest in wealth management, fry digital currency (virtual currency), online shopping lottery, gaming to make money! You are God as God, he or she is a pig! To keep your high -profile investment, please choose a regular way to invest in financial management!

Reprinted from Xiaoshan Public Security WeChat public account

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