Shenyang, Liaoning: Consolidate the foundation of grassroots governance

Author:Ministry of Civil Affairs Time:2022.08.04

Do not use smartphones, water, electricity, gas and other payment points are far away from home. Liu Zhenzhi, an 82 -year -old alone, did not worry about paying too much about paying.

The relationship between the neighborhood was "knocking on the door happily." Neighbors Cui Xiaohua took the initiative to undertake the task of helping Liu Zhenzhi, and also made a haircut for her every month. From time to time, she came to accompany her. "Now I and I have a family like a family." When Liu Zhenzhi said this, the smile in his eyes could not hide.

Liu Zhenzhi's Liaoning Province, Liaoning Province, Liaoning Province, Tiexi District, Tiexi District, Liaoning Province, the three communities in Tiexi District, Liaoning Province. Of the more than 3,000 residents, about 20 % of the elderly over 65 years old. Since last year, the community party committee has initiated a "happy knock on the door" operation, calling on community cadres and party members to take the lead in sending services and warmth for the elderly, disabled and low -guarantee households.

Open the door and open the door. "Through the" Happiness knocking on the door ", the neighbor's heart is close, the humanity is strong, and the community also knows the needs of the residents." Said Zhao Yongmei, the secretary of the party committee of the three communities of the Tiexi District Workers' New Village.

Community is the basic unit of the urban governance system. In recent years, Shenyang, with a resident population of more than 9 million, has led the party building to promote multiple forces to participate in community governance, realize government governance with social regulation, benign interaction of residential autonomy, and continuously improved community governance capabilities.

Party building leadership, sinking power

The 82 -year -old Xia Xiulan lived in Dafu community in Danan Street, Shenhe District. With the help of all parties, the old man quickly returned to normal life, and the house was renovated. "The party members of the nearby bank sent the bedding rice noodles. Community volunteers helped clean up and clean up.

These help, thanks to the co -construction pattern formed by the Duofu Community with the leadership of the party building: jointly establishes a long -term mechanism with the Customs and Customs, and the Electricity Bureau has established an electrical emergency maintenance team with the Electricity Bureau. Medical assistance mechanism ... "At present, 46 units have been built with us, and 10 volunteer service teams and model workers have been established to serve the lives of residents." Said Meng Xiaodan, secretary of the Party Committee of Duofu Community.

How does party building lead community governance? Shenyang City promotes the integration of blocks, and improves the long -term mechanism of party organizations and party members to community services in the district unit. Promoting the role of party building brands such as "Communist Party Community Dedication Day" and other party building brands. The industry system department regularly communicates with the street community party organization to solve the problem. The whistle and functional departments have changed.

The Zhengliang community contacted by Liu Hang, the Minister of the Employment Department of the Social Affairs Services Service and Administrative Law Enforcement Center of Shenbei New District. There are many young people and the pressure of employment. A professional Xiao Song to a company in the district is engaged in software testing. At present, the apprenticeship period is about to become a formal employee. "Every Wednesday, the business backbone of our center will go to the community, and now it has helped more than 70 people in the community to solve employment problems." Liu Hang said.

Promoting the sinking of grass -roots governance forces, Shenyang City has fully implemented the "three long and five members" specialized governance model in the community. At present The long point of time, together with the honorary points of the old party members and the old laborers, and other members of the special classes, serve the residents and the masses, and strive to make each residential community into a happy courtyard.

Shenyang City takes the strengthening of grass -roots party building and consolidating the party's governing foundation as the main line that runs through grass -roots governance. The city has adjusted and optimized more than 6,200 grid party branches, and established more than 12,000 party groups, more than 18,000 party member center households, more than 4,400 more than 4,400 households, more than 4,400 The party member learns the Lei Feng volunteer service team to consolidate the governance foundation of "near neighbors and the neighborhood family".

Coordinate all parties and optimize services

A year ago, Uncle Geng, who lived in the Caixia Community in Hunnan District, went to the community service center to work, and thought that the service counter with a long and high -chest service was gone. Put in a warm service hall. "Sit down and drink a cup of tea, and things will be done."

Remove the high counter and face face to face. Su Chang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Caixia Community, said: "In the past, the administrativeization and officeization of the office were heavy. Now the office area and leisure tea bar, book reading, calligraphy painting, and residents' living rooms are all available, so that residents have a general feeling."

"Some people's affairs are managed, and they are managed in place; some people ask people to ask, ask Han as asking warmth and asking for home." Shenyang aimed at the pain points, blocking points, and difficulties of the people to do things. Optimize services and participate in governance.

Breaking the barriers of administrative barriers and removing closed barriers. Shenyang takes the role of "one nuclear diversity" grass -roots party building and co -governance sharing mechanism as the starting point to play the role of 110 streets in the city, 955 communities, and more than 900 "two representatives and one member" studio. Mobilize all parties to participate in grass -roots governance and form a joint effort to serve the masses. Establishing more than 2,600 people's evaluations of the "Civil Review of the Village), innovating and promoting the" red property ", covering the" first secretary "of the community, and establishing a" three -level insured "real -name system.

Shenyang is a livelihood brand such as "comfortable employment, happiness education, healthy Shenyang, quality pension, and safe Shenyang". In the Xijiang Park Community of Huanggu District, the neighborhood committee, property enterprise, and industry committee under the leadership of the community party committee, co -discussed the list of issues, implemented sales actions, broke the boundary of the property service bank, provided residents with "one -stop" convenience Serve. Residents no longer "ask" and "run around", community services are "all -weather reception, comprehensive acceptance, and responsible for the whole process." The total number of community workers in the city exceeds 15,300, and all 6,588 communities are "managed". Community convenience services are reduced by 50.9%, and 115 service matters in 7 areas have an average of 75%.

Residents help each other, build sharing together

In the Wanhejing District of Tiexi District, Guo Mingyi volunteer service team consisting of residents spontaneously launched free activities such as hairdressers, grinding kitchen knives, repair bicycles and small appliances for residents every week. Ren Cailong, who was just finished, smiled with a smile on his face, "the neighbors help each other."

On the cultural square of the street labor model of the workers village not far away, love free clinics, free haircuts, and home appliance repair, etc., also moved the guys. Resident Li Wenyi said happily, "The service of young people is really intimate."

The community is my house, and it depends on everyone. In the ethnic community of Taiyuan Street, Heping District, more than 10 elderly people wearing "nine aunt" volunteers will always be seen every morning, and they are busy cleaning up various debris. There are many elderly people in the community. "I participate, I am dedicated, I am happy." Nine retired aunts voluntarily formed the "Nine Aunt" volunteer service team to patrol peace, protect the environment, and watch each other for 10 years. Today, members have increased to more than 300 people.

Shenyang City promotes social forces to participate in community governance, realize the need to discuss, community construction, social co -governance, and sharing of achievements, and continuously improve grassroots governance capabilities. Various forces such as residents, social organizations, volunteers, and charity institutions have made the "unicorn" of community governance into a "chorus" for co -construction and sharing.

As of now, Shenyang has recorded 10,885 community social organizations and has undertaken 869 projects; 3041 negotiated organizations such as breeding residents 'councils and public sentiment talks, 14,410 negotiation meetings, and 4,874 residents' vital interests.

Source: "People's Daily"

Reporter: Liu Chengyou, Liu Hongchao, Xinyang, Liu Jiahua

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