Analyze the six major scams of pension fraud: old -age care is false, fraud is true

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.08.04

The 21st Century Business Herald reporter Bian Wanli Beijing reported that the scammers were watching the elderly group. Recently, many people have received SMS reminders from the National Action Office of the Special Action of Pension Frauds in the country- "Everyone with the name of the elderly with the name of the old age It's fraud! "

Recently, the second promotion meeting of the National Special Action of Pension Frauds held by the National Special Office was disclosed: Since the launch of the special operation, the National Special Office 12337 Platform has received and transferred the clue of 57,138 pension fraud. Fraud cases started from 115,000, 1580 campaign fraud gangs were killed, 24,000 suspects were arrested, 848 fugitives were captured, and 11.8 billion yuan was charged with stolen stolen. More than 9,300.

According to the six major pension fraud routines, the 21st Century Business Herald selected six cases to analyze the scam techniques to remind everyone to be vigilant and beware of being deceived.

Age: Pension Service -Tourism, Sales Beds, Home -cared and other means diverse

On the grounds of providing "service", illegally absorb public funds. This type of scam mainly manifested in the form of on -site care, institutional custody, and providing beds. By deceiving middle -aged and elderly people to sign contracts, pay membership fees, pre -sale pension beds, etc., illegally absorb public deposits. Fraud.

The WeChat public account of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate "Beijing Inspection Online" disclosed a fraud case named "pension service".

Liu Lei (a pseudonym) and other criminals, in the name of an elderly care service company, conduct false publicity on the elderly by holding press conferences, inviting relevant celebrities to participate in activities, and listing in many regions across the country. The huge scale and powerful social background develop international pension services with the support of local leaders, and have a pension base all over the country.

Later, through organizing tourism, visiting and other activities to obtain the trust of the elderly, to deceive the elderly to handle the membership card for pension health and tourism, and promise that if you do not participate in travel or consumption within one year The old man signed a commitment to pay interest to pay interest.

Through the above methods, Liu Lei and his criminal gangs fraudulently scammed 196 elderly people and cheated a total of 10.43 million yuan.

The court held that the defendant Liu Lei and his fraud gang had constituted a crime of fund -raising fraud. Liu Lei was sentenced to ten years in prison in accordance with the law and ordered a fine to order him to refund all fraud money from the victims.

Best: Pension Project -Investment of high income and commitment to protect the capital, Zi Xuwu has

Investment in the "pension project" mainly involves acts of absorbing funds to the elderly or unspecified public in the name of "investment and financial management", especially the promise to protect the capital and rebate, causing huge economic losses to the relevant people.

"A hot spring pension project, an annualized yield of 8.5%-15%, do you think about the products of a certain private equity fund company?" If you receive such a call, do you dare to invest? A recent case released by the Chinese referee's Book Book Network shows that if you invest, the probability of money is "drifting water". What is going on?

In August 2018, Jia Jincheng and multiple gangs went to the Jianguo Police Station of the Chaoyang Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau to submit the case to tell their stories to the police station.

Beijing Guoshi Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guoshi Investment"), Beijing Guoshi Fortune Asset Management Co., Ltd., Beijing Guoshuijin Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. Check on the official website. From 2013 to August 2018, Jia Jincheng and its gangs used the name of the above company to publicize public publicity through random calls and "mouth passage" and other methods. The repurchase agreement is invested in the "certain hot spring care project" and other projects, promising an annualized return rate of 8.5%-15%.

According to the witness Li, in around June 2016, the National Giant Investment was fully invested in the establishment of a Jilin Pension Service Co., Ltd.. During the same period, Guoshi Investment also invested in a hot spring town project in Jilin. The project and a hot spring pension project were invested in a total of 300 million yuan in the same address for the development and construction of land. According to Jia Jincheng's statement, "At present, all the legal procedures, official seal, and finances of the company have the financial control and management of the group. The project has been basically completed. The project has not returned as of a penny."

According to the court, Jia Jincheng and others absorbed the funds for fundraising from the case in the above method of more than 1.5 billion yuan, and most of the money had been lost. At the same time, according to Jia Jinsheng's confession, "the group raised about 6.8 billion yuan so far, and the funds gap was about 18.9 billion yuan."

The court found that the defendant Jia Jinsheng and other violated national financial management regulations, and publicly propagated to the society with others, promised to repay the principal and interest, illegally absorb public deposits, and the amount was huge. His behavior violated the criminal law and all constituted the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits. Punishment should be given according to law.

For details, please poke "Case of Pension Fraud | Publicly publicize private equity products to invest in pension projects, do you dare to invest? "↓↓ ↓ three: pension products -health care, expert free clinic, chat only to cheat money for money

On the grounds of providing "pension products", the scam that seduces the purchase service. This kind of scam uses the psychology of the elderly and the psychology of seeking health and seek medical care. With the banner of publicity of health care, it adopts free experience, gift gifts, health lectures, expert free consultations, etc. to accompany the accompanying chat to obtain the trust of the elderly and deceive the elderly Purchasing health products at high prices and even counterfeit and inferior products not only deceive money, but also cause serious harm to the physical and mental and emotion of the elderly.

According to Chenghai Public Security in Shantou, in May 2022, the Guangzhou Public Security Organ found that a company named "a certain country medical museum" had suspected to sell the elderly to sell pension health products at high prices to perform fraud. The public security organs in Guangzhou were investigated in a timely manner and arrested more than 50 suspects led by Huang Moubin. They checked the company's cooperative agents in the company and Zhuhai, Dongguan, Hunan and other places.

According to the confession of the suspect, the gang mainly promoted the promotion of the elderly to the company through the company and cooperative agents. The companion pretended to be a "health lecturer" to give lectures and consultations to the elderly, and then sell health products to the elderly at a high price; There is a talk about the conversation of health products. Basically, the newcomer training is basically "grasped one permit"; agents often change the name of the store at various places, change soup without changing medicine, and continue to implement high -priced sales of health products to scam the old people money.

More than 60 victims who visited the public security organs learned that some elderly people participated in the store free tourism activities to buy health products involved in the case, and some elderly people were introduced by the elderly who had purchased the company's products. Most of the victims were trustworthy. The "National Medical Museum", expert lectures, etc., and acquaintances introduced, so relaxed the vigilance as deceived.

Four: Pension -high income is false, and "two -time financial houses" are the ending

The reverse mortgage insurance for the elderly is what we usually call "pension with houses." In essence, it is an innovative commercial pension insurance that combines housing mortgage and lifelong pension insurance. However, if someone says to introduce you to the “mortgage property to do financial management and earn high income”, it must be vigilant! Because this is likely to be a carefully designed scam, a tragedy of "two empty houses" by accident.

According to media reports, Ms. Feng, who has been cultivating for many years in the legal industry, learned from a friend's introduction to a company called Liechi Jimin and launched the "House Pension" project. After two years of inspection, he finally decided to start. Ms. Feng was brought to the bank to notarize by Lihe Jimin. In just 15 minutes, a house in Chaoyang District of Beijing was mortgaged to a third party Gao.

Gao Mou gave Ms. Feng 5.6 million yuan, and Ms. Feng needs to pay 84,000 yuan in interest every month. According to the agreement, this interest is borne by Lihe Jimin. The premise is that Ms. Feng entrusted the 5.6 million yuan from the Gao Somewhere to invest in Lisuji people to invest, and Ms. Feng herself obtained an annualized return rate of 6 to 6 %Of wealth management income is equivalent to 28,000 income per month.

Ms. Feng thought that she could always care for the elderly, and disappeared after she had a few months of money on time. In the end, Lihe Lito's mines, the chairman was arrested for suspected illegal absorption of public deposits.

For details, please poke "New Choice of Pension -Is it reliable?" Is it reliable? "↓↓ ↓

Five: Pension Insurance -Insurance is not the way to make money

This type of scam mainly manifested as a fictional or exaggerated insurance project income of banks and insurance institutions, concealing the real procedures for insurance claims, setting up traps, inducing consumption, suspected contract fraud; "Pension Insurance", the materials and benefits of middle -aged and elderly people are charged for the cost of materials and benefits of middle -aged and elderly people, and the insurance benefits paid by the victims for illegal possession. Recently, a typical "endowment insurance" fraud case disclosed by "Beijing Inspection Online".

It is understood that Zhang Zhonglei (a pseudonym) learned in an accidental chat with friends that some elderly people have disconnected from pension insurance due to their youth work or other reasons. For the social security procedures, he felt that he had discovered the "way to make money". He lied with others that he could purchase pension insurance on his behalf. He used the purchase of fake documents, paid money to the victims for money, and other means. The Yuan Dynasty handling social security costs and asked them to introduce a number of relatives and friends to find their own social security. A total of 48 victims were fraudulent in the above method, of which 1.328 million yuan was used by Zhang Zhonglei for personal investment operations and daily expenses.

The people's court took effect that the defendant ignored national laws and scammed the property of others. The amount was particularly huge, and his behavior had constituted a crime of fraud. Zhang Zhonglei has repeatedly fraudulent to the elderly's property and punish them seriously. It voluntarily confess his crime, acknowledge the crime of the allegations, is willing to accept punishment, and can be treated from wide. Therefore, Zhang Zhonglei was sentenced to 11 years in prison for fraud, and fined; ordered him to refund all the amount of fraud income from the victim. Funding 6: Pension help -trust is not "knocking on the stepping tiles"

The false "elderly care assistance" is mainly manifested as: fake obligation diagnosis and treatment, psychological care, live broadcast accompaniment, charity donation, volunteer service, organizational cultural activities, etc. After winning the trust of middle -aged and elderly people, they implement fraud on Chinese and elderly people in various forms. Essence

The Ningdu Procuratorate of Jiangxi Province disclosed a case of "elderly care" fraud cases. The case shows that Zhang (female, 40 years old) talked about the way, and for the first time, Li (male, 70 years old) who was strolling in the first time. In the subsequent contact, Zhang stepped up, from the beginning of dating to chat, to the marriage and marriage, until he lived together, Zhang took care of Li's second half of his life as the guise, so that Li was completely caught in this gentle trap. After the opportunity was mature, Zhang's nature was exposed, and he made up various reasons to "borrow money" to Li. At this time, Li had already had a request to be in response to his vigilance. It was not until Zhang's sudden disappearance and discovered that he was deceived.

After in -depth investigations, Zhang found that Zhang had been deceived in many places through this means, and illegally made more than 190,000 yuan. In the end, Zhang was sentenced to six years in prison by the court for fraud, and fined 20,000 yuan.

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[Member style] Cui Yan, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPC

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