Baoji Promoting Basic Education High -quality Development

Author:Baoji News Network Time:2022.08.04

On August 2nd, the reporter learned from the Baoji Education Bureau: Since this year, the Baoji Education System has implemented the "New Era · New Aesthetic Education" infiltration operation, "new era · new labor education" integration operation, forming five education and moral education first, first education, moral education first, first education. The "new era · new education" high -quality development system with across the semester and comprehensive development.

The Baoji Education System actively carries out the primary and secondary school reading month, gratitude week, the first lesson of school, children's poetry and nursery rhymes, a good boy in the new era, "learning new ideas, doing good successors", "Book Fragrant Baoji Red Teena", "Welcome The party's twenty shows "new changes in their hometown" photography solicitation and other activities, casting souls for elementary and middle school students Bacon, to fight the background of life.

In addition, Baoji City has promoted the development of labor education in the new era of labor education by grasping 8 measures such as labor education orientation and regulating labor education courses, promoting the formation of school -connecting, the integration of the home school, and the integration of morality, intellectual, physical and labor; The labor practice activities of the granularity of the granularity, guide students to walk out of the campus, enter the wheat fields to pick up wheat ears, and support the production of food with actual action and experience the value of labor.

Data map

Baoji City held the seventh primary and secondary school student chorus art festival, launched the "new era · New Aesthetic Education" infiltration operation, guided all counties and districts and schools to implement the aesthetic education courses, innovative aesthetic education practice, and continuously improve the level of aesthetic education; Primary and secondary school student table tennis competitions and youth campus football leagues to improve students' physical health. (Shaanxi Daily)

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