The first Ale Thai foot was born

Author:Altay Daily Time:2022.08.04

On July 27th, in the third round of the East Asian Cup Football Tournament in 2022, the Chinese Men's Football Selection team defeated the Hong Kong team of China 1: 0 and won the third Asian Cup third place.It is worth mentioning that in the 54th minute of the competition, wearing the No. 2 jersey from the village of Boba Moin Village, Jiechale Town, Fuhai County, Fuhai County, Xinjiang, appeared on the bench.The first Altay player and the third place in Xinjiang.

After the game, the Chinese men's football selection team, the head of the Chinese men's football selection team, said in an interview with the media that before the current East Asian Cup, only 4 players in the Chinese men's football selection team participated in the international A -level event.This competition allowed 15 players to achieve the first show in the international A -level event, and Ye Lijiang Shonar was one of them.

Altay Daily All Media Reporter Hu Junxiu

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