Preparing for the flood season Tianfu New District Fire "Breaking the Wave" Luhu Lake

Author:Listening to FM Time:2022.06.16

This afternoon, "Tianfu New Area · 2022" Flood Control Rescue Demonstration was staged in the waters of the Ruke Island. From Tianfu New District Emergency Bureau, Tianfu New District Fire Rescue Brigade, Comprehensive Emergency Rescue Team of various streets, Chengdu Tianchu Group Emergency Rescue Team, Sichuan Feibao Assault Emergency Rescue Team, Luhu Water Rescue Team, a total of 86 team members participated in the exercise Essence

Discipline simulated Tianfu New District Zhengxing Street due to sudden rainstorms, and the water level of Lake Lake continued to rise, forming flood disasters. Many traffic roads were blocked by floods, and many people were trapped. , Quickly set up the headquarters, and organize various rescue forces to carry out rescue forces in an orderly manner. On the water surface of the Lake, the assault boats, rubber boats and motorboats are handed in hand. The drivers are constantly changing the formation by virtue of their superb driving skills. Different formations adapt to different waters and cope with different emergencies.

In accordance with the idea of ​​"practical, refined, and professional", this exercise is set to set subjects with the goal of "practicing command, coordination, communication, practice protection, and technology". Rescue, drone reconnaissance and rescue boats fixed -point rescue, boat synchronized live bait rescue, self -rescue, drone throwing rescue, throwing vitality rescue rescue subjects. Exercise the entire process and factorly test the rescue capabilities of the emergency rescue team.

In this exercise, the participating departments firmly established the awareness of "prevention of floods, rescue disasters, and big danger", and the requirements for the "whole disaster, major emergency" requirements, strengthening the training of emergency teams, and comprehensively improved the rescue team rescue rescue. Level.

Reporter Kang Sha

Pictures, Video Chengdu Fire Fighting

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Sichuan Observation (Source: Xinhua News Agency)