Cultivate scientific soil to make popular science and benefit the whole people -the 10th anniversary of the construction of the modern science and technology museum system scanning

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.16

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 16th: Cultivation of scientific soil, let popular science and the whole people -focus on the tenth anniversary of the construction of the modern science and technology museum system

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wen Jinghua

Innovation blooms in scientific soil, and the improvement of scientific quality is inseparable from the power of scientific popularization.

In the past 10 years, my country's modern science and technology museum system has gradually developed into 408 national physical science and technology museums, 612 sets of flow technology museums, 1251 science science caravans, 1112 rural middle school science and technology museums, and China Digital Science and Technology Museum. The popular science infrastructure system in one "one -one" has played a unique role in promoting fair popularization of public services, improving the scientific quality of the whole people, and economic and social development.

The level of popularization of science popularization is increasing

"What is the difference between watching the moon in the earth and space?" The 14 -year -old girl from Tamsen Ding Village, Shigatse, Tibet often made a curiosity about the universe while looking up at the night sky. She never thought that one day she could fly to the Chinese Space Station and got the answer from the astronaut teacher Zhai Zhigang.

On March 23 this year, the second lesson of "Tiangong Class" was lectured. Nearly a hundred science and technology museums and science science stations of the National Science and Technology Museum system were launched simultaneously. In the Tibet Natural Science Museum, Dan Zeng Qu Zhen and his classmates not only used a unified experimental resource package to carry out the heaven and earth comparison experiments, and connected with the astronauts, but also participated in a number of supporting experiments.

Behind the youth in the south of the world, behind a space class and more scientific dreams are ignited, it is the steady construction and quality of the modern science and technology museum system in 10 years.

In 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "popularizing scientific knowledge, promoting the scientific spirit, and improving the scientific literacy of the people", and the Chinese Association of Science and Technology launched the construction of a modern science and technology museum system. From the city to the county to the township villages, the modern science and technology museum system takes root and sprouts, branches and loose leaves-

The number of physical science and technology museums in the standard has doubled, and the proportion of science and technology museums in the western region has increased significantly.

Nearly 5,000 stations of the mobile science and technology museum, sending high -quality scientific and educational resources to 1,888 county -level administrative districts in 29 provinces in the country;

Popular science cars are based on township, with a total mileage of more than 50 million kilometers, forming a popular science service network covering the countryside;

The Rural Middle School Science and Technology Museum has covered wide coverage in 14 concentrated and special areas across the country.

"The proportion of Chinese citizens has a scientific quality ratio from 3.27%in 2010 to 10.56%of 2020." The relevant person in charge of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology said that in the 10 years of the system construction, a set of rivers and thousands of rivers have been built. Popular science infrastructure cluster promotes the level of leapfrogging in the level of equalization of science popularization in my country.

Push new and constantly moving towards high -quality science popularization

"The tiger is the beast long, is the mountain king ..." In the animal map, the fierce tiger in the artist strolled in the mountains; before the painting, a tiger specimen was smart, as if the tiger jumped out of the paper in the painting.

Earlier this year, the "Qing Palace Beast Spectrum" exhibition created by the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Palace Museum triggered a wave of visit. The exhibition will display the magnificent beasts in the "Beast Spectrum" of the Qing Palace with the real objects of the specimen, and introduce the latest exhibition technology. In the integration of culture and technology, it will guide the audience to read the ancient paintings of cultural relics from the perspective of natural science and explore the mysteries of animal.

In the past 10 years, science popularization venues in various places have been guided by public demand, and have introduced new ones, forms, and means of popular science resources, and focus on meeting the public's high -quality science popularization needs.

After the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the China Science and Technology Museum successively launched exhibition activities such as anti -anti -epidemic network, traditional Chinese and western medicine combined anti -epidemic documentary exhibitions, etc., to guide the public to scientifically understand the epidemic and master epidemic prevention knowledge. It

The Chongqing Science and Technology Museum takes the science popularization needs of the school as the starting point, tailor -made the "menu -style" special curriculum system for the school, and develops more than 150 courses to combine courses to cultivate students' scientific interests and thinking;

Fujian explores the general branch system of the Science and Technology Museum, guide all walks of life to participate in the construction of the science and technology museum system, select and identify 19 science and technology museum branches, including the TCM branch, the nuclear power science and technology branch, and promote the popular science popularization of professional characteristics and open to the public to open to the public Native

Yin Hao, the director of the Chinese Science and Technology Museum, said that in the past 10 years, the construction of the modern science and technology museum system has shown a good situation from top to bottom and the coordinated development of science and technology museums at all levels. Social forces have been widely participated in the formation of integration and development pattern. Visible.

Cultivate the innovative ecology that advocates science

In 2016, a rural middle school science and technology museum landed in Huaiyang Middle School in Henan. In the past 6 years, he has worked his obligation into a career. On average, he has visited 2 remote rural schools with popular science equipment every month. The children are germinated in their hearts, the sooner the better! "

After retiring, he joined the "Popular Science Academician" Sha Guohe for more than 20 years, and Huang Caifa, a physics teacher who opened the scientific gate for Shanliwa ... In the 10 years of the system construction, a group of popular science characters have emerged. Transfer the scientific spirit and pour the buds of hope.

The tree is thousands of feet high, and its roots must be deep.Only by growing more popular science talents can we cultivate more innovative reserve talents.In the past 10 years, the integration of resources in various places has grown talent team, and the number of volunteers from the National Science and Technology Museum has reached 120,000; Beijing, Tianjin, Guangxi and other places have carried out the evaluation of professional and technical personnel of scientific communication professional and technical personnel to expand the professional development channel of popular science talents ... Talent trainingIt is also inseparable from spiritual support.The launch of the scientist spiritual education base, the spiritual lecture group of the Chinese scientist goes into the school enterprises ... The system of science popularization in various types of science popularization is promoted by promoting the scientific spirit and the spirit of scientists, helping to form a social atmosphere and ecology that loves science and advocates innovation, and stimulates the scientific interests and innovation of young peopleconsciousness.

The new starting point will start the new journey.Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Party Group of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and the vice chairman of the daily work, said that the modern science and technology museum system will firmly grasp the correct direction of development, actively serve the overall economic and social development situation, to achieve fair popularization services, improve the scientific quality of the whole people, and build a world science and technology strong country.Make new and greater contributions.

[Editor in charge: Zhang Yongsu]

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