The second phase of the Fu goose partner's ability to plan successfully!

Author:Energy China Time:2022.08.04

From July 30th to August 1st, the Thousands of Plan · Fu Goose Partnership Plan (Phase II) training class opened in Longyou County, Luzhou, Zhejiang Province. Training and learning.


The hundred projects of the hundreds of projects are funded by the Tencent Public Welfare United Nandu Foundation. It aims to promote public welfare charity professional, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, and digital application projects. Trust and sustainable development.

In order to better improve the ability of front -line social organizations in project management, financial management, Internet fundraising, brand communication, etc., and play the important role of social organizations in the third distribution of the third time, this empowerment training course invited Zhejiang Province Chen Xiaode, director of the grassroots regime and social governance department of the Civil Affairs Department, Feng Zhigang, deputy director and secretary -general of the Zhejiang Women's and Children Foundation, Director of the Master of Education Center of Social Work of Zhejiang University of Technology, Ma Liang, Director of Zhejiang University of Technology Guo Xiaohua, the founder of the founder, the special lecturer of Shenzhen Public Welfare Academy, and the editor -in -chief of Sina Zhejiang, Yu Danfeng, a guest professor at Hangzhou Business School of Zhejiang University of Technology, and taught the students on the spot.

▲ Director Chen Xiaode taught

Director Chen Xiaode, the grassroots regime and social governance department of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, brought a special lecture on "Five Society Links" to participate in modern community construction.

Director Chen Xiaode focused on the main purpose of "modern community construction" and set out from the background, main content, and promoting thinking sectors of the times, and pointed out that the "eight paths" of the five communities participating in the construction of modern communities caused students to think and discuss further.

▲ Feng Zhigang, deputy director and secretary general of the Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation, gave a speech and lecture

Feng Zhigang, deputy chairman and secretary -general of the Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation, gave a special lecture on "Our Sunshine Career".

From the perspective of social organizations, Secretary -General Feng Zhigang explained the important role of social organizations in the third distribution and helping common prosperity through cases of free lunch, Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation brand project, etc. The role, actively participate in it, welcome the sun that belongs to social organizations.

▲ Ma Liang, director of Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation, Director of the Master of Education Center of Social Work of Zhejiang University of Technology

Professor Ma Liang, director of the Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation and director of the Master of Education Center of Zhejiang University of Technology and Industry and Commerce, brought the "Public Welfare Project Management" course for students.

Professor Ma Liang from the five stages of public welfare project research, public welfare project planning and design, recruitment and training of public welfare project execution teams, testing and implementation of public welfare projects, public welfare project summary, and reflection of how to do public welfare project management, while emphasizing public welfare The project must meet the actual needs of the service object.

▲ Guo Xiaohua, the founder of Gongxifang, a special lecturer in Shenzhen Public Welfare Academy

On the afternoon of July 31, Guo Xiaohua, the founder of Gongxifang and a special lecturer in Shenzhen Public Welfare Academy, taught the subject of "financial and tax management" of "social organizations", explained to the students of the social organization's financial management system specifications to the students to help students clarify that there may be existence of existence Organizational financial management omissions and misunderstandings.

▲ Editor -in -chief of Sina Zhejiang, Yu Danfeng, a guest professor at Hangzhou Business School of Zhejiang University of Technology

Editor -in -chief Sina Zhejiang, Yu Danfeng, a guest professor at Hangzhou Business School of Zhejiang University of Technology, gave lectures on the theme of "Social Organization Brand Communication". From the four major sectors of "breaking", "case", "social network", and "communication", Teacher Yu Danfeng explained the necessity of brand communication and the specific path that social organizations were adopted in the Internet era.

▲ Zhang Xinzhi, Secretary -General of the Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation, assistant to the Minister of Communication Fund Funding Department

Zhang Xinzhi, assistant to the Secretary -General of the Foundation and the Minister of Communication Fund Fund Fund, explained the trend and importance of Internet fundraising to students. At the same time, the principals of the Foundation Tencent Platform led the students to study the Rules of Tencent 99 Public Welfare Day in 2022, and instructed the students to conduct practical operations of Tencent Public Welfare Platform.

▲ Class atmosphere

On the afternoon of August 1st, the graduation ceremony of the empowerment training course was conducted.

At the closing ceremony, the students showed their learning results in a group form. Feng Zhigang, vice chairman and secretary -general of the Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation, issued a certificate to a member of the outstanding team and a student of the students who completed the three -day training content.

This training course is successfully concluded. The subsequent foundation will continue to carry out a series of enhancement and improvement activities around social organizations, promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of social organizations, and help common prosperity!

Source: Zhejiang Women's and Children's Foundation

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