Takou family doctor and experts and sent health services to the workers

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.04

The central party branch sends health supplies for the construction site. Photo by correspondent Tan Liqiu

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client August 4th (Reporter Yu Danxia Correspondent Tan Liqiu) Summer and hot waves are rolling. For construction workers who work outdoors, it is a big "roast" inspection. On August 4th, adhering to the cultural concept of "work, harmony, precision, and progress", the Gutian Street Community Health Service Center in Gutian District, and implemented the requirements of "lower grassroots, observing the people's sentiment, relieving the people's concerns, and warming the people's hearts". Experts from the Unitedcare Wuhan No. 1 Hospital walked into the construction site of Huafa Real Estate in Gutian Second Road, and carried out the "Volunteer Services Joint Free Institute of Medical Health" for more than 200 migrant workers, and simultaneously promoted colorectal cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular integration screening Work.

Experts provide health services for workers. Photo by correspondent Tan Liqiu

At the free clinic site, medical staff conducted routine examinations such as quantitative blood pressure and blood sugar and height weight. "The blood pressure is a bit high. You need to control the intake of salt when you eat." Drink plenty of water. " Pay attention to safety and prevent heat stroke. At the same time, the symptoms are combined with symptoms to provide the treatment suggestions for workers, so that the urban builders who are far away from their hometown feel the coolness of the love free clinic. Cheng Anyuan, chief physician of the orthopedic department of Wuhan First Hospital, Kong Caixia, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology, and Lu Lei, deputy chief physician of urology, gave professional answers to the workers on the scene on high blood pressure diabetes prevention and dietary health.

Experts of Wuhan First Hospital are the knowledge of science science health. Photo by correspondent Tan Liqiu

The staff of the center quantitative blood pressure for workers. Photo by correspondent Tan Liqiu

In order to protect the health of the workers, the Party Branch of the Gutian Street Community Health Service Center in Laotou District presented the wind oil essence, cool oil, human dan, Huoxiangzhengqi liquid, Hua dew water, band -aid, iodine, quick -efficiency savior pill , Common medicine for first aid. A total of more than 100 health books were distributed for this event, more than 200 publicity sheet pages, and more than 100 boxes of family planning medicines. More than 80 people with colorectal cancer screening were completed, and more than 120 people with integrated cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and cerebrovascular and cerebrovascular and cerebral blood vessels were completed. Unanimous praise.

Expert medical care sending health services to workers. Photo by correspondent Tan Liqiu

It is understood that this activity played a positive role in protecting the health of migrant workers, further promoting key tasks such as equalization of basic public health and family planning services for the flow of the flowing population in Gutian Street, promoting health education, care services, and publicity and advocacy. Service management, improve the health literacy of the mobile population group, and create a good health environment. The person in charge of the center stated that in order to carry out the "lower grassroots, inspect the people's conditions, relieve the people's worry, and warm the people's hearts" activities, the center will regularly carry out a healthy entry site.

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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