National Taiwan Affairs Office: The so -called "protest" of the DPP authorities cannot save the "Taiwan independence" elements being punished in accordance with the law

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.04

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 4th, a spokesman for the National Taiwan Office, Ma Xiaoguang, on the 4th, the reporter said that on August 3, the national security organs Yang Zhiyuan Implementation of criminal detention censorship. This is the first case of the criminal liability of "Taiwan independence" in the island in accordance with the crime of split national crimes and inciting the crime of seizing the state in accordance with the law. At present, the case is being handled, and the case handling department guarantees the legitimate rights of the suspects in accordance with the law.

A reporter asked: Yang Zhiyuan, a "Taiwan independence" element, was reviewed by the national security organs in accordance with the law. The DPP authorities expressed the so -called "protest" and called on the people of Taiwan to be cautious to the mainland. What are the comments? Ma Xiaoguang made the above response.

He said that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. Maintaining national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity is the legal obligations of the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, and any individual or organization fulfills legal obligations or engaged in harmful national security activities. Investigate legal responsibilities. Those "Taiwan independence" stubborn stubborn people who are arrogant and "independent" in "independence" are unable to escape the severe punishment of national laws.

Ma Xiaoguang pointed out that a few "Taiwan independence" stubborn stubborn elements were punished in accordance with the law in order to resolutely oppose and curb the "Taiwan independence" division of division, maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and improve the interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait. As always, we warmly welcomes and support the majority of Taiwanese compatriots to develop the mainland of the motherland, as always to effectively improve and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots. The so -called "protest" of the DPP authorities not only saves the fate of "Taiwan independence" elements being punished in accordance with the law, but also cannot obstruct the general trend of exchanges and cooperation between compatriots on both sides of the strait and approach.

[Editor in charge: Xu Haizhi]

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