Anyone's collective wedding in the Yanji vehicle section

Author:Yanji Propaganda Time:2022.08.04

On August 2nd, the third employee's collective wedding of the China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Yanji Vehicle "Meets Happy Expressway · Holding Hand of Dami Changbai" was held at Changbai Mountain Station.

At noon on the same day, the "wedding car" C1302 of the 10 pairs of newcomers slowly entered Changbai Mountain Station. In the singing and dance of the folk dance team, the new people have taken the 60th step symbolizing the "Powerful Country Road · Happiness Road".

In the waiting room of Changbai Mountain Station, more than 100 single youths from each station of Yanji Vehicle Section, Yanji Working Section and other units, as well as the newcomers' family members and happy family representatives.

At the wedding scene, the grooms wearing railway uniforms, collectively used roses to propose to brides in the Korean folk dresses with roses. The atmosphere at the scene reached a climax in the cheers and shouts of everyone.

According to relevant staff, by taking the customized version of the "High -speed Rail Wedding Car", participating in the collective wedding celebration of young employees, experienced the Korean wedding folk customs, observed the "cloud love" service brand of Changbai Mountain Station, fully demonstrated the new generation of railway young employees in continuing inheritance in continuing inheritance In the process of the railway spirit, the professionalism of overcome difficulties, the loyal character of dedication to the railway, and the feelings of the family and the courage to dedicate.

It is reported that the 10 newcomers participating in collective weddings this year include linked staff, vehicle adjustment, passenger transport, ticket salesperson, comprehensive controller, train flight attendant, line worker, etc.

Yanbian Morning News all -media reporter Ren Huimin

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