The three most beautiful ancient towns in Tongzhou District, Nantong, the old streets of the old streets

Author:Ancient Village Time:2022.08.04

Jiangsu, Nantong, Tongzhou District.

At the beginning of the territory, there were several adjacent sandbars in the waters of the Yangtze River. The water from the northern and southern dynasties was out of the middle of the north and south.

Let's take a look at the three most beautiful ancient towns in Nantong Tongzhou District. How many have you been to?

1 Yuxi Ancient Town

A historical town recorded in more than 1,000 years. The ancient town of Yuxi was founded in the Tang Dynasty and has a history of more than 1,000 years. It was once called Yu Qing (Qingyu) in history. Because of the design of the city, it looks like a dragon, also known as Dragon City.

From the Tang Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the historically prosperous town of Yuxi has been prosperous, and it is known as the "Tongdong First Town". Nowadays, the ancient towns still preserve houses in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Most of the ancient buildings are quite complete. sense.

The ancient town of Yuxi, "Yanshengyi", gathered salt culture, Buddhist culture and ancient architectural culture. At present, the ancient buildings preserved in ancient towns include historical protection units such as improving the academy, Qian's archway, Zhu Lizhi's former residence, and Zhujia Grand Courtyard, as well as cultural relics such as Xiaozifang, Confucius Temple, Great Tragedy Hall, and Ancestral Hall.

Yuxi Ancient Town is the first salt port in the southeast coast of Gutong Prefecture, and it is the birthplace of the blue printed cloth. Nowadays, there are many traditional stores on the streets. There is also a filial piety archway in the ancient town, which is engraved with "the century -old virginity is frosty, and the thousands of emblems are the moon and the moon", which is worth seeing.

2 Shigang Ancient Town

Located in the northern part of Tongzhou District, a thousand -year -old town with a long history. Shigang is like a Phoenix. It used to be called Fengzhuang, known as the "Phoenix Treasure Land".

Now walking in the ancient town, the monuments, ancient trees, ancient temple ruins, ancient houses, ancient bridges, stone carvings, etc. can be seen everywhere. But quiet, simple, full of vicissitudes.

Here, it used to be a well -developed market town, and there are many commercial giants, and the most well -known newspapers also appeared here. press.

Here is known as the "Hometown of Peking Opera". It is named "Hometown of Chinese Folk Art (Peking Opera)" by the Ministry of Culture. Its opera culture has a long history. Volkswagen people also like drama singing, drama mystery, and drama lights.

Nowadays, there are still many old houses in ancient towns. The Yangzhai in the ancient town is particularly famous. It was built in the Qing Dynasty and was built on the street. In addition, such as Sun's ancient houses, they all remember the glory of the old days.

3 Xiting Ancient Town

Xiting Ancient Town follows the Yanhe River cloth of Guyun. For thousands of years, the name of Xiting has not changed.

Most of the buildings in Xiting Street are built. The streets of the alley are roundabout and twists and turns, and they are wrong, forming small bridges, green stone slabs roads, and many monuments along the coast.

Xiting retains many historical sites related to Zhang Ye. Among them, the champion Street is a ancient street named for commemorating Zhang Ye and Xiting. This ancient street has more historical and cultural attractions. Zhang Yezu's residence on the street is worth visiting. Founded in Daoguang's twenty -six years (1846), it has a history of more than 170 years. It has witnessed the wind and rain of the five generations of the Zhangye family. Zhang Ye was known as "Dunmutang.

In the old streets of Xiting, touch the historical skin, and feel the changes in the years. In addition, when you come here, Xiting Crispybread is worth tasting. It has a history of more than 100 years and is a well -known Nantong specialty at home and abroad.

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