Walking in front of the new bureau · Activating innovation factor release development potential

Author:Weifang Daily Time:2022.08.05

□ Our reporter Du Huisheng Jiwei

Linyi is a well -known revolutionary district in the country. It is the birthplace of Yimeng's spirit and a rich area of ​​red resources. The spirit of Yimeng, born in Yishui, Mengshan Yishui, contains innovative consciousness that dares to be the first and pioneering. Carved in the bones of the Yimeng people. Watching along the way, in the production workshop and field, the innovative vitality of the Yimeng people raced.

Scientific and technological empowerment, corporate innovation "accelerate running"

On July 1, in the spacious exhibition hall of Shandong Lingong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd., an independent excavator driver's seat was installed. Essence It can be seen through a large screen that in an outdoor display area a few kilometers away, the excavator cab is empty, but the robotic arm has completed a series of actions such as shovel, upper lifting, and loading.

"Even if it is a hundred miles, this excavator can be excavated and loaded normally under remote control, which is as flexible and convenient as on -site operations. The overall data transmission system uses 5G technology to further improve performance. At present, it has achieved it. Mass production promotion. "Xue Wei, a Shandong Lingong Electric Engineer, told reporters that the promotion and popularity of remote control technology can solve the safety of mining safety and personnel health. The comprehensive application of the entire machine electrical control technology, the main control valve of the electronics control, and the new generation of data remote interaction technology behind these operations are the embodiment of Shandong Lingong innovation.

"The core electrical control system we developed independently has reached the international advanced level in the field of construction machinery." Reporter and Xue Wei came to a large screen in the exhibition hall. Essence This is an intelligent solution developed by Shandong Lingong and Shenmuzhu Gaita Coal Mine. Through the intelligent control system of Shandong Linghe Machinery, it realizes intelligent management, equipment life management, and personnel safety management, and effectively improves construction efficiency. According to reports, more than 70 Taiwan Shandong Lingqi Intelligent Equipment now operates in the mining, which can save 8.4 million yuan in operating costs for customers in one year.

Enterprises are the main body of innovation and a vital army to promote innovation and creation. Enterprises are at the forefront of the market and sensitivity. Many scientific and technological achievements are completed by enterprises. Basic research and innovation must eventually be transformed into products through enterprises. In Linyi, the story of innovative development can not only be seen from the workshop of large enterprises, but also found in some small and medium -sized enterprises. These small and medium -sized enterprises have aura and vitality, and are the living forces to promote the high -quality development of Linyi's economy.

In Houyuzi Village, Yiwen Town, Yinan County, Wang Bin, a 33 -year -old young man, is conducting an innovative experiment of agricultural machinery in the farmhouse. The products he developed independently even exported to Russia, the United States and Indonesia and other countries and regions.

Wang Bin set the workshop of the agricultural machinery production plant in the original village committee courtyard in the village. The workers were assembled here all year round. According to Wang Bin, in the past few years, he has improved the existing weeding machines on the market in the past, especially the gearbox and blade design. The improved weeding machine can meet the weeding needs of different terrain. At present, including innovative products such as gasoline weeding machines and electric trains, this small and micro enterprise hidden in Yimeng Mountain exports more than 10,000 agricultural machinery each year.

Enterprises accelerating their running on the road of innovation cannot be separated from the government's strong guarantee. This year, Linyi City issued the "Innovation of the Business Environment Innovation of Linyi City and Innovation of the 2022 Action Plan" to comprehensively deepen the business environment innovation. At present, Linyi has taken the lead in launching the construction of the government service system and vigorously promoted the "non -seeing approval". Promoting the iterative upgrade of the "No Certificate of Cities", the automatic acquisition of 75 -type electronic certificates, the automatic acquisition of the 10 types of electronic certification data, and the sector of 72 -type certification materials are free. The first "non -seeing bid opening system" in the province's first integrated online live broadcast function was opened, and the bid opening rate was 100%without meeting. Carry out the national pilot of the integration of electronic business licenses and innovation applications to create a "electronic business license+N" integration innovative application brand.

Try the institutional mechanism first, and the ecological village is approved by green loans

Innovative development requires a breakthrough in the reform of the system and mechanism. In 2020, Linyi City was approved by the national inclusive financial service rural revitalization reform pilot zone, opening a green reform.

Along the mountain roads in Baiquan Village, Taoxu Town, Mengyin County, the forests are densely set up on both sides, and the fish are swimming in the river. There are many construction equipment in Baiquanyu Village this year, and a large resort hotel is accelerating construction. "There are only 119 villagers in the village. In recent years, 40 farmhouses and homestays have been developed. The annual per capita income of villagers has exceeded 33,000 yuan." Said Fang Guoming, secretary of the party branch of Taoxu Town.

On the morning of March 8th, the starting ceremony of the ecological product value of Mengyin County Ecological Products (GEP Loan) was held in Baiquanyu Village. Mengyin Rural Commercial Bank gave the village's three loan main entities of 43 million yuan in credit. After a green loan was in place, Fang Guoming had planned for many years, but he had a stranded environmental improvement plan for lack of funds to quickly put on the agenda.

In recent years, Linyi City has actively explored the ecological value conversion mechanism. Through a series of system innovation, it has solved the pricing problem of green water and green mountains, and explored the effective "two mountains" transformation path. In September 2021, Mengyin County released the first village GEP (gross ecosystem product) accounting report in Shandong, and comprehensively calculated the ecosystem of Ankang Village and Baiquanyu Village. After preliminary accounting by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, the total value of Ankang Village's ecological products is nearly 100 million yuan, and the total value of ecological products in Baiquanyu Village is more than 70 million yuan. "This shows that the local" two mountains "have achieved significant results in the transformation of the" two mountains', and can effectively convert ecological advantages into the driving force for socio -economic development. "Hao Haiguang, deputy director of the Ecological Civilization Center of the China Institute of Environmental Sciences, who is responsible for this GEP accounting, said. The story of Baiquan Village is not uncommon in Yimeng Mountain. On June 21, 2021, the first ecological resource operation platform in Shandong Province was established in Feixian. It began to try to carry out large -scale collection and storage, professional integration and market -oriented operation of local ecological resources. In addition to the development of institutional innovation, the ancient trees, strange stones, and even a small village with only a hundred villagers in Yishui in Yishui of Mengshan have been scaled to the price of the price of the local people to become rich. Ecological mountain villages have been approved for green loans, and rural revitalization has been equipped with an engine of accelerated development.

Since being approved by the national inclusive financial service rural revitalization and reform pilot zone, Linyi City deepened elements to ensure innovation and sent financial water to Yimeng countryside. Promoting the pilot pilot of the village planning of the Lanling County "Pastoral New Town" project such as the Rural Commercial Bank and other financial institutions. The pilot pilot of the village planning has been approved in December last year; During the preparation process, the financial department took the initiative to docking to promote the transformation and improvement of the rural commercial bank in the village ...

As of the end of 2021, there were 583 towns and townships in Linyi City's banking financial institutions, and the coverage rate of township financial institutions was 100%. Deepen the agricultural collection service point for the comprehensive payment and upgrade project. A total of 8,278 campaign points were set up, a year -on -year increase of 1.87%. The total number of the agricultural reference points ranks among the top in the province, and the full coverage of the administrative village is achieved. The balance of the domestic and foreign currency -related loans was 31.97 billion yuan, an increase of 15.8%year -on -year, which was 6.4 percentage points higher than the province.

Dig red resources deeply, Yimeng small tone singing new sounds

In the mountain theater of Changshan Village Village, Ma Muchi Township, Yinan County, a song "Yimeng Mountain Tune" opened the immersive scenario drama "The Red Aunt in the Song".

Changshanzhuang Village is the famous Red Aunt's hometown. During the Revolutionary War, Yimeng Hongyu made military uniforms and shoes here, and enthusiastically supported it. Today, the protective development of Yinan County uses red resources, relying on the old site, old house, and old courtyard of the Second Youth Congress of Shandong Province to reproduce the scene of life at the time and transform 7 immersive courtyards to "ordinary people, countries, countries Yimeng Hongyu, the hero, is the main line, and taps the touching story of Hongyu, forming 7 dramas such as "Women's Salvation Club", "Militarian Company", "Literacy Class" and "Follow the Communist Party".

"Come on, the lectures are about to start soon." In the Guli Confucius Academy in Gu Shagou Village, Qishan Street, Luzhuang District, the villagers' loud voice shouted again.

"The lecture hall of the small courtyard, preaching 'grounding", I feel that our elementary school has' upgraded' again! "Before the beginning, there were already villagers who came to the school.

A few years ago, Gu Wenxiao, the founder of the Confucius Academy of Gu Li, changed the two old houses left by his uncle to the Confucius Academy, promoting traditional culture, and preaching the new style.

"We have always talked about excellent traditional culture. Today, we have invited the host of Rong Media Center, and young cadres from our streets to share red stories with everyone." Clear his throat, Gu Wenxiao took the lead.

Subsequently, Miao Yujie, assistant secretary of the Party Branch of Fang Lingtun Village, Fangshan Street, held the book and read the classic original text in dialects. Every time I read the key places, and when I read the core content of the people's attention, he will stop and interpret it in detail in combination with the actual situation to communicate and interact with everyone. A small courtyard, several tables and chairs extend a new position of theoretical learning.

In Luozhuang District, the farmhouse, the front house, the back of the house, the streets and alleys, and the fields have all become theoretical preaching positions. At present, the "seven lectures and seven entrances" theory of "seven lectures and seven entrances", "three or five stools can be opened", "three or five chairs can also be talked about", and more than 700 games have been carried out in Luozhuang District, lecturers and volunteers at all levels listened The language that can be understood, listened, and remembered made the party's voice at the grassroots level.

As one of the main birthplace of Yimeng's spirit, Linyi is rich in red cultural resources. In the form of innovation in Linyi City, a new voice will be sang a red resource represented by "Yimeng Mountain Minor". This year, the Linyi Municipal Party Committee proposed to build a "3+1" theoretical armed work system. "3", that is, establish a "trinity" mechanism at the theoretical learning center group at all levels (party group) theoretical learning centers; First -class "activity; carry out" storytelling and learning theory "activities in townships (streets) and villages (communities). "1", that is, the theory of "seven lectures and seven advances" theory for the masses.

Recently, Shi Liwei, director of the Judicial Institute of Bahu Town, Hedong District, will use the "Farun Hedong" online live broadcast platform to preach theoretical knowledge on the online live "Farun Hedong" online live broadcast platform every day.At the same time, combined with the theoretical activities of "Yi", they explained around the social hot cases with high attention of the masses, answered some legal questions that the masses were more concerned about, and further promoted the law of all the people.At the same time, the Judicial Bureau of Hedong District has continued to make efforts around the promotion of work, continued to make efforts in integrating development, continued to implement in -depth implementation, strive to promote the combination of theory and practice, to guide practice with theoretical guidance, and practice with practice to practice with practice to practice with practice to practice with practice.Check the effect of learning to ensure that it is good for the people and the effect of doing good.Editor in charge: Ping

Source: Volkswagen News · Volkswagen Daily Client

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