The happy password in "Parenting Love"

Author:Luoyang Daily Time:2022.08.05

Evergreen, Han Yuzhen couple

Happy password

Long -term care and understanding

Evergreen and Han Yuzhen have been married for 58 years

Yesterday was the Qixi Festival. When the fancy festival of lovers and the "Declaration of Love" exploded the Internet, the reporter interviewed five silver -haired couples. In the years of their hands, they reached a high concentration of sugar.

"Everyone said that I am blessed, and the old man is taking care of me at home. It is him to buy food and cook." Speaking of today's life, 81 -year -old Han Yuzhen was happy.

Han Yuzhen and her husband Chang Shulin are also from Kaifeng Qi County. The two are classmates. After graduating from junior high school, Han Yuzhen came to the original Luoyang Mining Machinery Factory to work. Han Yuzhen, who is in a foreign country, often thinks of the old classmates who have a good character and learn well, and start to write a letter to Changshin. A few years later, Chang Shulin followed her to work in Luoyang after graduating.

"We got married in 1964. At that time, we couldn't even buy a sugar. I didn't expect that the days later became sweeter." Han Yuzhen said that for 58 years, they never quarreled.

Why is the husband and wife getting along so harmonious? Faced with this problem, the two of them were in unison: "Respect each other and love each other, and long live."

Han Yuzhen's father walked early, and her mother took a few children, and her life was difficult. After Han Yuzhen got married, she often sent money to her family and helped her brother to marry a daughter -in -law and build a house.

"The husband and wife must understand each other, and they will quarrel if they don't understand." Chang Shulin said that the good mentality made him and his wife very healthy over eighty years old. "Every morning, she goes out at 5 o'clock and has no fist. I get up to prepare breakfast. When she comes back, we have finished breakfast, and I will go out for a walk."

In the eyes of Chang Shulin, Han Yuzhen is always a little girl he needs to take care of it: "I have me to take care of you at home. If you go out, you have to take care of yourself, walk slowly, do n’t trip ..."

Zhang Wenqing, Li Huazhi couple

Happy password

Back to each other between the two places

Zhang Wenqing and Li Huazhi have been married for 54 years

"We got married and then loved." Zhang Wenqing, 75, was a veteran who had gone through 54 years with his wife.

At the age of 21, Zhang Wenqing met with Li Huazhi. "When I met, I saw that this little Ni'er was really good, and she was also in my appearance." Zhang Wenqing said that soon, the two got married. On New Year's Day in 1971, the eldest daughter was born less than a year. Zhang Wenqing joined the army. This is 15 years.

"In those years, he went to protect his family and guarded his country. I took care of my mother -in -law and brought children at home. We could see one side in 3 years. , Husband talks about the life of the army, and the telegram is reported in the case of emergency.

Later, due to the outstanding performance of Zhang Wenqing in the army, the leaders suggested that he keeps staying in the army as a instructor, but he refused and fought with the leader to return home: "The daughter -in -law has to work alone, and take care of the old age. It's not easy, I have to go back to accompany her. "

In the eyes of the second old man, love is simple, flat, and the two hearts are close to each other for decades. "Whether it is past, present, or in the future, both of them need loyalty and intention." Zhang Wenqing said.

Sigenling, Guo Guiqin couple

Happy password

At a glance, a daughter -in -law singer follows

Si Guling and Guo Guiqin have been married for 51 years

"We were introduced by people. At that time, he was in the army. I was a worker in the Luoyang Bearing Factory and had never seen each other." Guo Guiqin, 76, said.

"We have a certain understanding of each other separately after the communication between the two places." The elderly in Sigen Ling took the stubble. "At that time, a letter was going to be ten days before it could arrive, and it would take eight days as soon as possible."

At that time, the young Guo Guiqin lived in a single dormitory in the factory and looked forward to receiving a letter every day. "Every time I received a letter, I ran back to the dormitory to write back to him." Guo Guiqin said.

Once, Si Guling received a letter from Guo Guiqin, and a photo was sandwiched. "The girl in the photo combed the braids. It was so good. I thought her at a glance." Sigen Ling said with a smile.

One day in May 1971, Sigenling and Guo Guiqin met for the first time and received a certificate. This seems to be brave to decide today. In Guo Guiqin's opinion, it was not impulsive: "At that time, he was a soldier or a party member. I think it is reliable."

Two years later, Sigenling returned to Luoyang. With the support of his wife, he rushed to his career, and the two accompanied each other through the golden wedding. After retiring, Guo Guiqin fell in love with singing and playing the piano. Sigenling supported his wife's various hobbies and became the "number one fan" of his wife.

"Where she went to perform and engage in activities, I accompanied her to be her photographer. I will briefly make the photo and send it to the Internet." Sigen Ling said, "I have to think about it. Good, understand, support, and support. "

Liu Hailong, Liu Xiangjuan couple

Happy password

Support each other through difficulty

Liu Hailong and Liu Xiangjuan have been married for 48 years

"This is to check the line in the snow." "This one was taken on the electric pole, and the phone was still holding the phone in your hand." "This is a photo of us." Liu Xiangjuan and her husband Liu Hailong, who were over seventy years old, seemed to have returned to that glory.

"We are the same as a communications soldier in Xinjiang. I am a telephone. He is mainly installed. At the beginning, the male and female soldiers did not speak each other. After I mentioned it, I officially knew him before the introduction." Liu Xiangjuan said. "In the current words, we are flashing and naked marriage. I get married after I know it for 3 months." Liu Xiangjuan said that Liu Hailong was first -class in the company's technology, honest and gentle, making her feel very practical. After getting engaged, Liu Hailong went to Beijing for a business trip, and returned to buy an artificially -made box, two quilts, and two pairs of cloth shoes. The two got married like this.

The winter in Xinjiang is very cold, even if wearing thick cotton clothes and masks, it will be frostbite. "Fortunately, we stick to it together, and sometimes I feel warm when I hear a simple greeting of the other party." Liu Xiangjuan said.

In 1985, the couple transferred to a business in Luoyang and experienced difficulties in laid -off, but both of them relied on strong willpower to support each other and spend the difficulties.

"We both joined the party in the troops. Last year, we both received the 50th anniversary of the Glory of the Party." When saying this, the second old man was proud. Today, they will regularly hold hands to the community to pay party fees.

Zhang Tiegang, Wang Yuguo couple

Happy password

Work together to work together

Zhang Tiegang and Wang Yuguo have been married for 48 years

"The two of us are free love." Recalling the experience 50 years ago, Zhang Tiegang and his wife Wang Yuguo still remembered.

The two are the villagers of Sanmenxia. One or two, this pair of young people is becoming more and more familiar.

"It was a glorious thing to be a worker at that time. The two of us had a common goal of struggle -to build a large family of the motherland. We work hard together and have a small family." Wang Yuguo said.

In the work, Zhang Tiegang is a driver, and Wang Yuguo is a welder. Sometimes they have to face the harsh working environment, sometimes stay up late to work overtime, and sometimes go to a business trip for a long time. The couple always encourage each other and work together.

"Later, the living conditions were good. He brought me to buy gold bracelets, gold rings, and rushed to go to the big film building to make a wedding photo." Wang Yuguo said.

In 2000, the couple retired, the pace of life slowed down, and the two gradually fell in love with dancing.

"We two like to make friends, go out for activities, and exercise well, and also reduce the burden on the children." Zhang Tiegang said that at first they followed the study, and later they bought audio and became organizers. This hobby has persisted for 22 years. Essence

Zhang Tiegang said that no matter how old, love keeping freshness requires both parties to walk in the same direction in hand, and I am very pleased that he and his wife have cultivated common hobbies. (Luo Bao Rong Media Reporter Li Bing Dongge Non -Correspondent Xing Shumin Li Yajuan Liu Fangwen/Picture)


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